.. include:: ../../idsubstitutions.txt .. _VMPZIDHEALPixDepth: Output Product: HEALPix Depth Map ================================= Data Product Name _________________ .. DataProductNameStart DpdHealpixDepthMapVMPZ .. DataProductNameEnd Data Product Custodian ______________________ .. DataProductCustodianStart IDVMPZ .. DataProductCustodianEnd Name of the Schema File _______________________ .. NameSchemaStart .. raw:: html euc-le3-id-vmpz-HealpixDepthMap.xsd .. NameSchemaEnd Last Edited for DPDD Version ____________________________ .. DpddVersionlTagStart 2.0 .. DpddVersionTagEnd Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product ___________________________________________________________ .. PECreatorStart **Creators:** * VMPZ_Main (LE3_VMPZ_ID_Main) **Consumers:** * VMPZ_Visibility (LE3_VMPZ_ID_Visibility) .. PECreatorEnd Processing function using the data product __________________________________________ .. PFUsingStart * 2PCF-WL, PK-WL, 2PCF-GC, 3PCF-GC, PK-GC, DET-CL, PROF-CL, VMSP-ID * SWG-GC, SWG-WL, SWG-CL .. PFUsingEnd Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS _________________________________ .. IncludeInSASStart This product is proposed for inclusion in SAS: yes This product is used by different PFs in OU-LE3 and expected to be used in scientific analysis in SWG-GC, SWG-WL and SWG-CL. .. IncludeInSASEnd Data Product Elements _____________________ .. DataProductElementsStart :Header: object of type sys:genericHeader :Data: object of type vmpzid:depthMapHealpixVMPZ :QualityFlags: object of type dqc:sqfPlaceHolder :Parameters: object of type ppr:genericKeyValueParameters .. DataProductElementsEnd Detailed Description of the Data Product ________________________________________ .. DetailedDescStart This output product is a partial HEALPix map collecting the depth maps constructed from the MER noise RMS image. It includes the **DepthMapHealpix** metadata, a container with a FITS file (of type le3.id.vmpz.healpixdepthmap) describing the depth map (for a diameter aperture of 2 arcsec) for the survey in (partial) HEALPix format, for a given observed band/instrument (Euclid/EXT), and a raw description with polygons of the envelope of the sky covered is added as well to ease future queries on the product (**SpatialCoverage** metadata, `spatialFootprint `_). Finally, the mask parameters **DepthMapHealpixParams** can optionally be associated to the product. Depth is defined as follows: :math:`m= -2.5 \log_10 \left(RMS \times snr_{level} \sqrt{\frac{area_{aperture}}{area_{pixel}}} \right) + zero_{point}` where :math:`area_{aperture}=\pi\left(\frac{diameter_{aperture}}{2}\right)^2` and :math:`srn_{level}=5` Keywords (Primary HDU) ++++++++++++++++++++++ The primary HDU is expected to contain the following keywords, characterizing important parameters of the input product: .. table:: :width: 100% +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **HDU** *PRIMARY*: header | +==========+==========+================================================================+===========+ | | **Name** | **Description** | **Value** | +----------+----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | Keywords | SIMPLE | | logical | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | BITPIX | | integer | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | NAXIS | | integer | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | EXTEND | | logical | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | DATE-OBS | e.g. Start date for observations considered | string | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | DATE-END | e.g. End date for observations considered | string | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | TELESCOP | e.g. Euclid or -1 | string | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | INSTRUME | e.g. VIS or -1 | string | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | FILTER | e.g. VIS or -1 | string | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | FILTLST | index for combination of filters if intersection of footprints | string | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | TILEID | e.g. 5237, or -1 if not single tile | integer | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | LISTID | Product ID for a MER list of tiles | string | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | NSIDE_WK | Nside used for mosaic frame to HEALPix | string | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | BITSEL | e.g. Bit mask selection applied based on MER binary values | string | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | DEPTHEST | Estimator of depth | string | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | SOFTNAME | | string | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | SOFTVERS | | string | + +----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | | SOFTINST | | string | +----------+----------+----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ Time format is 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss' and basic software parameters: * **SOFTNAME**: name of software used [StringKeyword] * **SOFTVERS**: version of software used [StringKeyword] * **SOFTINST**: institute developing the software [StringKeyword] Partial HEALPix Footprint Table (First Extension, Binary Table) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The following keywords are used to describe what HEALPix conventions are followed: .. table:: :width: 100% +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **HDU** *DEPTH_MAP*: header | +===============+===============+===========================+==================+ | | **Name** | **Description** | **Value** | +---------------+---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | Keywords | XTENSION | | string | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | BITPIX | | integer | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | NAXIS | | integer | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | NAXIS1 | | integer | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | NAXIS2 | | integer | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | PCOUNT | | integer | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | GCOUNT | | integer | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | TFIELDS | | integer | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | TTYPE1 | | string | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | TFORM1 | | string | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | TTYPE2 | | string | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | TFORM2 | | string | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | TTYPE3 | | string | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | TFORM3 | | string | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | PIXTYPE | | string | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | ORDERING | | string | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | COORDSYS | | string | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | EXTNAME | | string | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | NSIDE | | integer | + +---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ | | INDXSCHM | | string | +---------------+---------------+---------------------------+------------------+ .. table:: :width: 100% +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **HDU** *DEPTH_MAP*: 3 columns table | +=========+==========+=================================+==========+============+ | | **Name** | **Description** | **Unit** | **Format** | +---------+----------+---------------------------------+----------+------------+ | Columns | PIXEL | Index of the HEALPix pixel cell | NA | FITS *K* | + +----------+---------------------------------+----------+------------+ | | WEIGHT | Depth | NA | FITS *E* | + +----------+---------------------------------+----------+------------+ | | ERROR | Mask error value | NA | FITS *E* | +---------+----------+---------------------------------+----------+------------+ #. **TTYPE1** (= 'PIXEL') [StringKeyword] #. **TFORM1** (= 'K') [StringKeyword] #. **TTYPE2** (= 'WEIGHT') [StringKeyword] #. **TFORM2** (= 'E') [StringKeyword] #. **PIXTYPE** (= 'HEALPIX') [StringKeyword] #. **ORDERING** (= 'RING' or 'NESTED') [StringKeyword] #. **COORDSYS** (= 'C'=celestial, 'E'=ecliptic or 'G'=galactic) [StringKeyword] #. **EXTNAME** (= 'DEPTH_MAP') [StringKeyword] #. **NSIDE** [IntegerKeyword] #. **INDEXSCHM** (= 'EXPLICIT') [StringKeyword] The table is then expected to contain the following columns: * **PIXEL**: index of pixel [K, int64] * **WEIGHT**: (floating-point) weight associated to pixel indicating the depth [E, float32] .. DetailedDescEnd