.. _NIRintro: Introduction ============ The NIR :term:`Processing Function` is in charge of reducing all the NISP imaging data of the Euclid wide survey, analysing the NISP data of the Euclid deep survey, and pre-reducing the NISP spectral data in common with the SIR :term:`Processing Function`. It is also in change to manage some calibration observations to create a set of Calibration Data Products that have to be used on Euclid wide survey data processing. The goal of this section is to describe NIR PF Data Products to allow other PFs to designe their interfaces with NIR. A description of the NIR PF can be found on the NIR Software Description Document (SDD, EUCL-OTS-DDD-8-004), which is in turn based on the NIR Requirements Specifications Document (RSD, EUCL-OAR-RS-8-001). .. :numref:`NIR_workflow` shows a logical model for the NIR PF workflow. .. _NIR_workflow: .. figure:: ./figures/NIR_workflow.png : NIR PF logical model This is composed by: * :ref:`NIR_preproc` * :ref:`NIR_dithercal` * :ref:`NIR_stacking`. List of NIR Data Products ------------------------- It is possible to identify three NIR Data Products types: - The **NIR Output Data Products** as result of the pipeline execution on standard pointings - The **NIR Calibration Data Products** produced by dedicated pipelines and used by other pipelines to calibrate data - The **NIR Internal Data Products** used for internal/technical purpose NIR Output Data Products ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. The **NIR Scientific Data Products** are the outputs of the *NIR_ScientificPipeline* run on a Euclid wide field. They are then main NIR output, that can be used as input by others :term:`Processing Function`. A standard Euclid wide observation is composed by 4 "dithers" for each NIR filter and grism. The *NIR_ScientificPipeline* is basically thought to be executed independently on each filter. It gets as input the 4 le1 Nisp dithers and set of calibration data and produces as output: * 4 calibrated single image :ref:`NIRCalibratedFrame` and the corresponding catalogs :ref:`NIRCalibratedFrameCatalog` * a stacked image :ref:`NIRStackedFrame` and its catalog :ref:`NIRStackedFrameCatalog` * a :ref:`NIRTransientCatalog` containing transient sources (defined but not yet implemented in PVRH2) During the operational phase ==================================== ================================= ========================== Data Product Ddp Name Description ==================================== ================================= ========================== :ref:`NIRCalibratedFrame` `DpdNirCalibratedFrame` Single frame astrometically and photometrically calibrated :ref:`NIRCalibratedFrameCatalog` `DpdNirCalibratedFrameCatalog` Catalog extracted from single pointing Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirStackedFrame` Stacked image Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirStackedFrameCatalog` Catalog extracted from stacked image ==================================== ================================= ========================== NIR Calibration Data Products ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The NIR Data Model contains a list of **NIR Calibration Data Products** (mainly) used as input for other pipelines to calibrate/correct for specific features. Those Dpds are produced from dedicated observations with pipelines ad-hoc. A special Data Product is defined for pipelines configuration :ref:`NIRConfigurationSet`. It is manually produced and uploaded to te archive. Here the full list of NIR Calibration Dpds ======================================= =========================== Data Product Dpd Name ======================================= =========================== Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirBadPixelFlavorMask` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirBadPixelMask` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirMasterDarkFrame` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirMasterFlatFrame` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirLargeFlatFrame` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirGeometricDistortions` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirRelPhotoDetCalibration` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirRelPhotoExpCalibration` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirRelPhotoFieldCalibration` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirAbsPhotoCalibration` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirNonlinearityMask` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirPersistenceMask` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirPersistenceModel` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirGenericCalibration` Not distributed in Q1 `DpdNirDetectorBaseline` ======================================= =========================== .. _NIRPipeline: NIR Pipeline ------------ .. _NIR_preproc: .. figure:: ./figures/5.2.1_NIR_CommonPreProcessing_v4.1.png NIR PF Common pre-processing .. _NIR_dithercal: .. figure:: ./figures/5.2.2_NIR_DitherCalibration_v5.1.png NIR PF dither calibration .. _NIR_stacking: .. figure:: ./figures/5.2.3_NIR_StackingCatalog_v5.1.png NIR PF stacking and catalogue extraction