Acronyms, abbreviations and definitions of terms¶
For clarity this section gathers all the relevant shortcuts that will be used in this document.
Attitude and Orbit Control System
The Data Product Description Document - This document
- DPS¶
Data Processing System
- EAS¶
Euclid Archive System
part of the Science Ground Segment c/o the Euclid Consortium
Euclid Consortium Survey Group
- ESA¶
European Space Agency
- MEF¶
Multi-Extension FITS
- MOC¶
Mission Operations Center
- OU¶
Organization Unit
- PA¶
Product Assurance
- PDC¶
Phase Diversity Campaign
- PE¶
Processing Element
- PF¶
Processing Function
- PK¶
Power Spectrum Processing Function
- PSF¶
Point Spread Function
- SAS¶
Science Archive System
- SED¶
Spectral Energy Distribution
- SOC¶
Science Operations Center
- SDC¶
Science Data Center
- SGS¶
Science Ground Segment
- SWG¶
Science Working Group
- UML¶
Unified Modelling Language
- WP¶
Work Package
- 2PCF¶
Two Point Correlation Function
- 3PCF¶
Three Point Correlation Function
- Mission Data Base¶
A data base maintained in the Euclid Archive Systems that contains reference information on the mission, spacecraft, instruments, survey, sky, that is of interest for the data processing sector of the SGS. Processing Functions interface with the Mission Data Base for this information so that we can maintain a clear control over the parameters of the system that enter data processing. Typical examples of MDB elements are the filter transmission curves, the Galactic extinction map, the telescope optical properties…
- Processing Function¶
Represents self-contained processing parts (i.e. doing tasks); PFs constitute the first step for the realization of a distributed pipeline development, i.e. they are the result of the highest-level breakdown of the complete pipeline (scientific data processing) that can be achieved with components that communicate only with the help of the Euclid Archive System (EAS).
- Processing Element¶
An atomic block of a PF. It inputs and outputs data, and cannot be split further from the functional point of view. A PE may completely meet several functions or features. Each processing Element may be broken down into software components.
- Pipeline¶
A composition of one or several Processing Elements coming from the same Processing Function or from different PFs. PEs composing a pipeline are chained by associating output data of one or several PEs to input data of one or several PEs. It contains therefore inputs and outputs data itself. Intermediate data (interfaces between PEs of the Pipeline) may or may not be input or output data of the Pipeline. A processing function (PF) may be composed of one or several Pipelines.
- Science Data Center¶
A national supercomputing center, where the actual data processing for Euclid will be carried out. Processing for Euclid is distributed on a network of SDCs, and an initial node, residing at SOC orchestrate the processing to adjust the load to the availability of resources.
- Software Component¶
Term to indicate a generic piece of software resulting from the software breakdown process. The “software component” term can be used to speak of a software product, or of an indivisible program or library, or of a software module, or of a software unit, depending on the level at which the considered software components lays in the software breakdown hierarchy.
Extend further as required per this document.