Another caveat concerns the imaging data. The SGS pipeline is optimised for the Euclid mission core science goals, namely to measure the shape and photometry of galaxies at redshifts above , that is for objects with arcsecond size on the sky. While the VIS and NIR PF do strive to preserve low surface brightness features as much as possible, these are mostly filtered out at the MER stage when the stacks are being built. Members of the Euclid Consortium working on the intracluster medium, on local galaxies, or on Galactic cirrus are devising alternative processing outputs derived from the VIS and NIR calibrated frames. These alternatives will become available in the future through the Euclid Datalabs interface discussed in 17, but not in time for Q1. We additionally caution users about the MER catalogue from the LDN 1641 region, as the structure of this field is very different from typical EWS fields for which the SGS PFs are optimised, and advise them to start their analysis from the VIS and NIR LE2 calibrated frames for this part of the data set.