The public Euclid science archive at the ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC) opened on 19 March 2025 offering the curated Q1 data products at the following address: Information about the Q1 data release is presented at The MER mosaics in the four Euclid bands and four EXT bands, as well as VIS/NIR calibrated frames (and their auxiliary data sets) can be searched and downloaded from the web interface. An image cutout service on the mosaics is also offered. All MER, PHZ, and SPE catalogues are ingested into the database and can be queried, through the IVOA Table Access Protocol, with ADQL, for which tutorials are provided. The results of queries can be downloaded or overlaid on the different Hierarchical Progressive Survey (HiPS) maps. Spectra can also be queried and retrieved using the IVOA DataLink protocol. A subset of the data set can be accessed through ESASky at