.. _EXTExtSingleEpochFrame: EXT SingleEpochFrame -------------------- Data product name ================= .. DataProductNameStart `DpdExtSingleEpochFrame `__ .. DataProductNameEnd Data product custodian ====================== .. DataProductCustodianStart `OU-EXT `_ .. DataProductCustodianEnd Data model tag ============== .. DataModelTagStart 9.0.2 .. DataModelTagEnd Name of the Schema file ======================= .. NameSchemaStart `euc-test-ext-ExtSingleEpochFrame.xsd `__ .. NameSchemaEnd Schema documentation tag ======================== .. SchemaDocTagStart :emphasis:`Data product documentation:` Single-detector detrended pixel data product from OU-EXT :emphasis:`Documentation for data product type:` `dpdExtSingleEpochFrame `__ EXT single-detector detrended science image delivered by EXT-PF1 Stage 1 to EXT-PF1 Stage 2. :emphasis:`Documentation for data product type:` `Header `__ Generic Header as specified in /sys .. SchemaDocTagEnd Data product elements ===================== .. DataProductElementsStart `Header `__ of type: sys:genericHeader `Data `__ of type: ext:extSingleEpochFrame `QualityFlags `__ of type: sqf:sqfDpdExtSingleEpochFrame `Parameters `__ of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters .. DataProductElementsEnd Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product ===================================================== .. PECreatorStart Used by `EXT_PF1_PrepareValidation `__ .. PECreatorEnd Processing function using the data product ========================================== .. PFUsingStart EXT-PF1-GEN_ .. _EXT-PF1-GEN: https://gitlab.euclid-sgs.uk/PF-EXT/EXT_PF1_GEN .. PFUsingEnd Detailed description of the data product ======================================== .. DetailedDescStart The DpdExtSingleEpochFrame represents the common data product used by all external ground-based surveys (EXT-PF1 Stage 1) to deliver their detrended, astrometrically and photometrically calibrated science images to the Euclid SGS. They are input to EXT-PF1 Stage 2. Each DpdExtSingleEpochFrame contains for one detector the science image pixel data and the accompanying source catalog and PSF model. Three FITS files are included in each DpdExtSingleEpochFrame: * Image FITS file (FitsFormat id: ext.singleEpochFrame) * Catalog FITS file (FitsFormat id: ext.sourceCatalog) * PSF model FITS file (FitsFormat id: ext.psfModel) .. include:: ../fit/fit.ext.singleEpochFrame.rst .. include:: ../fit/fit.ext.psfModel.rst .. DetailedDescEnd