Introduction ============ Instrument Operations are managed by the Instrument Operation Team (IOT). The IOT is the EC group that is in charge of the maintenance and operations of the Euclid instruments and is a connection point between the EC SGS and the SOC (run by ESA). The IOT shall play a crucial role in the successful execution of the Euclid mission. During the operations its role is to commission, establish the performances, validate all observing modes and monitor the health of the VIS and NISP instruments. The IOT is in charge of establishing the calibration database used by the pipelines. It assists the SOC in planning the mission. Should a contingency occur IOT will be in charge of proposing any measure necessary to put the instrument back into a healthy status. One of the IOT main tools is the Instrument Operation Data Analysis (IODA), a portable, a multi-tasking and multi-user web application, specialized for tabular/image data analysis and monitoring. The IODA is designed to assist the IOT in the generation and delivery of IOT short/mid/long-term monitoring reports. Via the IODA tool, the IOT will produce monitoring reports that will be packed in an official SGS Data Product, the DpdIotReport, and ingested in the EAS-DPS. Scope of this section is to describe the structure of DpdIotReport.