.. include:: ../../wlsubstitutions.rst .. _catred-intro: Introduction =============== Catalogue Reduction is a SGS tool that concatenates tile-level catalogue products from LE2 and provides LE3 PFs with simplified input products. These products are exclusively intended for internal use and will not be provided outside of the SGS. Internal Data (ID) Products --------------------------- CATRED provides the following products for use by ID: Clusters of Galaxies (CL) Products ---------------------------------- CATRED provides the following products for use by CL: * :ref:`combclInputBin` * :ref:`combclInputCat` * :ref:`combclInputCCP` Weak Lensing (WL) Products -------------------------- CATRED provides the following products for use by WL: * :ref:`WLPosShearCatalog` * :ref:`WLPosCat` * :ref:`WLProxySheCatalog` All three catalogues are generated from OU-MER, OU-PHZ and OU-SHE output products. The position catalogue (DpdWLPosCatalog) and the proxy shear catalogue (DpdWLProxyShearCatalog) are used exclusively by 2PCF-WL, while the shear catalog (DpdWLPosShearCatalog) is used by 2PCF-WL (3x2pt stats), PK-WL (power spectra) and 2D-MASS-WL (mass maps).