|badge1| |badge2| |badge3| Introduction ============ The OU-LE3 CAT-CL PF shall provide .. image:: flowchart-catcl.png The input products are: - The inputs of DET-CL: the Galaxies catalogue, the photometric redshift catalogue (not mentioned on the figure above), the photometric mask, and - The outputs of DET-CL: the catalogue of cluster candidates, and the galaxies membership catalogue - The "truth tables": the mock catalogue of galaxies (with their photometic and possibly spectroscopic redshifts, and halo/cluster membership), and the mock catalogue of haloes/clusters - The outputs of RICH-CL: the clusters' richness and galaxies memberships - Optionally: the output of "cluster characterisation" PFs (more details below) The output products are: - An output catalog of clusters including, for any cluster detected by any of the two cluster-finding algorithm, all the relevant quantities and associated uncertainties from "cluster characterisation" PFs: * from DET-CL: central position in projected coordinates (right ascension and declination), signal-to-noise of the detection, richness or/and amplitude, detection redshift, detection size; * from RICH-CL: refined richness estimates (several estimates at different angular sizes); * from Z-CL: refined redshifts (photometric and, if available, spectroscopic and a combination of the two); * from COMB-CL: weak lensing mass estimates (several estimates at the same angular sizes used to estimate the richness) And, in the future: * from SIG-CL: velocity dispersion; * from PROF-CL: refined size estimate, refined center estimate ; * from LMF-CL: integrated luminosities and stellar masses (several estimates at the same angular sizes used to estimate the richness); *NOTE: During the SC8, only the quantities from PFs actually taking part in the SC8 are included. Quantities from other PFs will be added later on* In addition to these quantities, specific identifiers allow to track the origin of each cluster candidate and its possible cross-match with another cluster candidate found using a different method. - A output catalogue of galaxies containing the references to all galaxies possibly associated with some cluster candidate Input products * `Memberships catalogue by DET-CL`_. .. _Memberships catalogue by DET-CL: ../det-cl/dpcards/det-cloutAMICOMembers.html * `Clusters of Galaxies catalogue by DET-CL`_. .. _Clusters of Galaxies catalogue by DET-CL: ../det-cl/dpcards/det-cloutClusters.html * `Memberships catalogue by RICH-CL`_. .. _Memberships catalogue by RICH-CL: ../rich-cl/dpcards/rich-cloutMembership.html * `Richness catalogue by RICH-CL`_. .. _Richness catalogue by RICH-CL: ../rich-cl/dpcards/rich-cloutRichness.html * `Z-CL catalogue`_ (not yet defined). .. _Z-CL catalogue: ../z-cl/dpcards/z-cloutTBD.html Output products * :ref:`catclFull` * :ref:`catclGals` .. |badge1| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/EDEN-3.0-Green .. |badge2| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/DM-9.0.2-red .. |badge3| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/FDM-9.0.2-red