.. include:: ../../gcsubstitutions.txt .. _ThreePCFGCOutput_sin: Output - 3PCF Correlation "SINGLE" Product ============================================ $SetSchemaPath le3/gc/euc-le3-gc-3pcf-sin.xsd Data Product Name ___________________ .. DataProductNameStart $PrintDataProductName .. DataProductNameEnd Data Product Custodian ________________________ .. DataProductCustodianStart $PrintDataProductCustodian .. DataProductCustodianEnd Name of the Schema File ________________________ .. NameSchemaStart $PrintSchemaFilename .. NameSchemaEnd Last Edited for DPDD Version ____________________________ .. DpddVersionlTagStart 1.1 .. DpddVersionTagEnd Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product ___________________________________________________________ .. PECreatorStart **Creators:** * LE3_GC_3PCF **Consumers:** * None .. PECreatorEnd Processing function using the data product _____________________________________________ .. PFUsingStart This is a SGS pipeline final output product to be used by SWGs. .. PFUsingEnd Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS _________________________________ .. IncludeInSASStart This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: Yes Is going to be used by the SWG-GC for their scientific analysis. .. IncludeInSASEnd Data Product Elements ______________________ .. DataProductElementsStart $PrintDataProductElements .. DataProductElementsEnd Detailed Description of the Data Product _________________________________________ .. DetailedDescStart This output product is the 3PCF correlation counts for the configuration "SINGLE". The output product contains 3 FITS files for the TripletsNNN, TripletsRRR and Correlation results XML Product Keywords ++++++++++++++++++++ The product contains the following keywords: **DataCatalog** Name of input DATA catalog **DataObjects** Number of objects in DATA catalog **RandCatalog1** Name of input RANDOM catalog 1 **RandObjects1** Number of objects in RANDOM catalog 1 **RandCatalog2** Name of input RANDOM catalog 2 **RandObjects2** Number of objects in RANDOM catalog 2 **Correlation** Type of 3pt correlation [CONNECTED / REDUCED] **Configuration** Type of 3pt configuration [SINGLE / ALL] **CountingMethod** Type of triplet counting method [DIRECT_COUNTING / SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_DECOMPOSITION] **BinningMethod** Type of triplet binning method [COSTHETA / THETA / SIDE] **Lmax** Maximum order of the triplet counts Legendre expansion for SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_DECOMPOSITION method **R12** Separation on side 1-2 [Mpc/h] **Delta12** Separation step side 1-2 [Mpc/h] **R13** Separation on side 1-3 [Mpc/h] **Delta13** Separation step side 1-3 [Mpc/h] **Nbins** Number of bins **ReconstructionID** Identifier for the reconstruction method **Cosmology** Ideintifier for the cosmology **TripletsFileNNN** :ref:`FITS` file with the NNN triplets counts **TripletsFileRRR** :ref:`FITS` file with the RRR triplets counts **CorrelationFile** :ref:`FITS` file with the correlation .. _gc3pcftrisinNNN: **TripletsFileNNN** FITS file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The FITS type *le3.gc.3pcf.tri.sin* contains one binary table HDU named **TRIPLETS** with the following structure: $PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-le3-gc.xml le3.gc.3pcf.tri.sin TRIPLETS .. _gc3pcftrisinRRR: **TripletsFileRRR** FITS file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RRR thiplets have the same *le3.gc.3pcf.tri.sin* FITS type of :ref:`TripletsFileNNN`. .. _gc3pcfcorrsin: **CorrelationFile** FITS file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The FITS type *le3.gc.3pcf.cor.sin* contains one table HDU named **CORRELATION** with the following structure: $PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-le3-gc.xml le3.gc.3pcf.cor.sin CORRELATION .. DetailedDescEnd