.. include:: gcsubstitutions.txt .. _GCinputConfSet: Input - GC PFs Configuration Set =================================== $SetSchemaPath le3/gc/inp/euc-le3-gc-conf-set.xsd Data Product Name ___________________ .. DataProductNameStart $PrintDataProductName .. DataProductNameEnd Data Product Custodian ________________________ .. DataProductCustodianStart $PrintDataProductCustodian .. DataProductCustodianEnd Name of the Schema File ________________________ .. NameSchemaStart $PrintSchemaFilename .. NameSchemaEnd Last Edited for DPDD Version ____________________________ .. DpddVersionlTagStart 1.1 .. DpddVersionTagEnd Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product ____________________________________________________________ .. PECreatorStart **Creators:** * None: Created by hand **Consumers:** * 2PCF-GC case LE3_GC_TwoPointCorrelation * 3PCF-GC case LE_GC_3PCF * BK-GC case LE3_GC_BK * CM-2PCF-GC case LE3_GC_CM2PCF * CM-PK-GC case LE3_GC_CMPK * PK-GC case LE3-GC .. PECreatorEnd Processing function using the data product ______________________________________________ .. PFUsingStart * 2PCF-GC case LE3_GC_2PCF * 3PCF-GC case LE3_GC_ThreePointCorrelation * BK-GC case LE3_GC_Bispectrum * CM-2PCF-GC case LE3_GC_TwoPointCovariance * CM-PK-GC case LE_GC_PowerSpectrumCovariance * PK-GC case LE3-GC-PK .. PFUsingEnd Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS _________________________________ .. IncludeInSASStart This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: Yes Is going to be used by the SWG-GC for their scientific analysis. .. IncludeInSASEnd Data Product Elements ______________________ .. DataProductElementsStart $PrintDataProductElements .. DataProductElementsEnd Detailed Description of the Data Product _________________________________________ .. DetailedDescStart .. _TWOPFCGCINP: 2PCF-GC +++++++++ .. DetailedDescTwopcfgcStart To compute the Galaxy Clustering Two-point Correlation Function, a parameter file specifying the configuration is needed. The configuration file contains all the information about the max/min scales to use in the computation, the number of output bins in the correlation function, the estimator to be used and information on the cosmology to be used for the coordinate transformation. The estimator selected in the configuration file defines the output product obtained. XML Product ^^^^^^^^^^^ The product contains the following keywords: **PF** Name of the Processing function using this configuration **ConfigurationID** Identifier for the configuration Parameters+Cosmology used in this product **ParameterSetID** Identifier for the configuration Parameter set used in this configuration **CosmologyID** Identifier for the Cosmology used in this configuration **ReleaseName** Name of the release that uses this configuration **ParameterFile** :ref:`ASCII file ` with PF parameters for this configuration **CosmologyFile** :ref:`ASCII file ` with cosmological parameters to use in this configuration **Comment** [OPTIONAL] Comment to configuration .. _gc2pcfconf: **ParameterFile** ASCII file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ASCII ``.ini`` file has a ``keyword=value`` structure divided into [sections]. The 2PCF parameter file accepts the following keyword list: **[Path]** section [used only in LOCAL configuration for code testing] **input** Input data path relative to current workdir **output** Output data path relative to current workdir **[Catalog.Galaxy]** section [used only in LOCAL configuration for code testing] **filename** Name of input Data file **name** Name of catalog HDU in input file **coordinates** Coordinate system used by the catalog [CARTESIAN/EQUATORIAL/PSERUDO_EQUATORIAL] **angle_units** Angle units used for angular coordinates [DEGREE/RADIANS] **coord1** Position or name of the column to be used as 1st coordinate value **coord2** Position or name of the column to be used as 2nd coordinate value **coord3** Position or name of the column to be used as 3rd coordinate value **density** Position or name of the column to be used as density value **weight** Position or name of the column to be used as object weight value **filename2** Name of input Data file 2 **[Catalog.Random]** section [used only in LOCAL configuration for code testing] **filename** Name of input Random file **name** Name of catalog HDU in input file **coordinates** Coordinate system used by the catalog [CARTESIAN/EQUATORIAL/PSERUDO_EQUATORIAL] **angle_units** Angle units used for angular coordinates [DEGREE/RADIANS] **coord1** Position or name of the column to be used as 1st coordinate value **coord2** Position or name of the column to be used as 2nd coordinate value **coord3** Position or name of the column to be used as 3rd coordinate value **density** Position or name of the column to be used as density value **weight** Position or name of the column to be used as object weight value **filename2** Name of input Random file 2 **filename_rec** Name of input Random reconstructed file **filename_rec2** Name of input Random reconstructed file 2 **[2PCF]** section **statistics** Correlation type [ONE_DIM, TWO_DIM_CART, TWO_DIM_POLAR] **method** Pair counting method [LINKED_LIST, KD_TREE] **bin1_type** Type of binning in the 1st dimension [LIN, LOG] **bin1_num** Number of bin channels in the 1st dimension **bin1_min** Minimum separation scale in the 1st dimension **bin1_max** Maximum separation scale in the 1st dimension **bin2_type** Type of binning in the 2nd dimension [LIN, LOG] **bin2_num** Number of bin channels in the 2nd dimension **bin2_min** Minimum separation scale in the 2nd dimension **bin2_max** Maximum separation scale in the 2nd dimension **pi_max** Maximum parallel separation up to which the 2D Cartesian correlation function is integrated to compute the projected correlation function **compute_RR** [true, false] Enable/disable RR pair counting in case of pair file re-use **compute_SS** [true, false] Enable/disable SS pair counting in case of pair file re-use **compute_R1R2** [true, false] Enable/disable R1R2 cross pair counting in case of pair file re-use **compute_S1S2** [true, false] Enable/disable S1S2 shifted cross pair counting in case of pair file re-use **input_file_RR** Input RR pairs FITS file to skip RR calculation [used only in LOCAL configuration for code testing] **input_file_SS** Input SS pairs FITS file to skip SS calculation [used only in LOCAL configuration for code testing] **input_file_R1R2** Input R1R2 cross pairs FITS file to skip R1R2 calculation [used only in LOCAL configuration for code testing] **input_file_S1S2** Input S1S2 shifted cross pairs FITS file to skip S1S2 calculation [used only in LOCAL configuration for code testing] **use_weight** [true, false] Use objects weights **split_factor** Number of sub-catalogs in which the random catalog has been split for RR computation **reconstruction_id** TBD **use_cross** TBD **output_prefix** Output file name prefix **[Validation]** section **grid_scale** LinkedList partitioning scheme grid scaling **observer_x** Position of the observer in direction x **observer_y** Position of the observer in direction y **observer_z** Position of the observer in direction z **periodic** [true, false] Use periodic boundaries conditions..TBD **plane_parallel** [true, false] Use parallel plane TBD **box_x_min** Catalog enclosing box minimum position x **box_x_max** Catalog enclosing box maximum position x **box_y_min** Catalog enclosing box minimum position y **box_y_max** Catalog enclosing box maximum position y **box_z_min** Catalog enclosing box minimum position z **box_z_max** Catalog enclosing box maximum position z **ascii_out** [true/false] Enable ASCII output filen in addition to FITS .. _gc2pcfcosm: .. include:: gc_input_cosmology_inifile.rst .. DetailedDescTwopcfgcEnd .. _THREEPFCGCINP: 3PCF-GC +++++++++ .. DetailedDescThreepcfgcStart To compute Galaxy Clustering Three Point Correlation Function, a parameter file specifying the configuration is needed. The configuration file contain all the information about the max/min scale to use in the computation, the number of output bins in the correlation function, the estimator to be used and information on the cosmology to be used for coordinate transformation. The estimator selected in the configuration file defines the output product obtained. XML Product ^^^^^^^^^^^ The product contains the following keywords: **PF** Name of the Processing function using this configuration **ConfigurationID** Identifier for the configuration Parameters+Cosmology used in this product **ParameterSetID** Identifier for the configuration Parameter set used in this configuration **CosmologyID** Identifier for the Cosmology used in this configuration **ReleaseName** Name of the release that uses this configuration **ParameterFile** :ref:`ASCII file ` with PF parameters for this configuration **CosmologyFile** :ref:`ASCII file ` with cosmological parameters to use in this configuration **Comment** [OPTIONAL] Comment to configuration .. _gc3pcfconf: **ParameterFile** ASCII file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ASCII ``.ini`` file has a ``keyword=value`` structure divided into [sections]. The Bispectrum accepts the following keyword list: **[3PCF]** section **correlation** correlation type [CONNECTED, REDUCED] **configuration** triangle configuration [SINGLE, ALL] **method** triplet method [DIRECT_COUNTING / SPHERICAL_HARMONICS_DECOMPOSITION] **binning** triplet binning [COSTHETA, THETA, SIDE] **n_orders** legendre polynomial order **use_weight** use object weights [true, false] **ASCII_out** enable ASCII output files defined below **reconstruction_ID** identifier for the reconstruction **[3PCF.SINGLE]** section **r12** first side lenght **r12_binSize** first side shell size **r13** second side lenght **r13_binSize** second side shell size **n_bins** number of bins **[3PCF.ALL]** section **rMin** minimum side lenght **rMax** maximum side lenght **shell_size** binsize **[3PCF.FILES]** section **input_file_NNN** TBD **input_file_RRR** TBD **input_file_NNN_Legendre** TBD **input_file_RRR_Legendre** TBD **output_file_NNN** TBD [only for ASCII outputs] **output_file_RRR** TBD [only for ASCII outputs] **output_file_NNN_Legendre** TBD [only for ASCII outputs] **output_file_RRR_Legendre** TBD [only for ASCII outputs] **output_file_Corr** TBD [only for ASCII outputs] **[Cosmology]** section **Cosmology** Cosmology configuration file [used ONLY in LOCAL run of the code] .. _gc3pcfcosm: .. include:: gc_input_cosmology_inifile.rst .. DetailedDescThreepcfgcEnd .. _BKGCINP: BK-GC +++++++++ .. DetailedDescBkgcStart To compute Galaxy Clustering Bispectrum, a parameter file specifying the configuration is needed. The configuration file contain all the information about the max/min scale to use in the computation, the number of output bins in the output spectrum, the estimator to be used and information on the cosmology to be used for coordinate transformation. XML Product ^^^^^^^^^^^ The product contains the following keywords: **PF** Name of the Processing function using this configuration **ConfigurationID** Identifier for the configuration Parameters+Cosmology used in this product **ParameterSetID** Identifier for the configuration Parameter set used in this configuration **CosmologyID** Identifier for the Cosmology used in this configuration **ReleaseName** Name of the release that uses this configuration **ParameterFile** :ref:`ASCII file ` with PF parameters for this configuration **CosmologyFile** :ref:`ASCII file ` with cosmological parameters to use in this configuration **Comment** [OPTIONAL] Comment to configuration .. _gcbkconf: **ParameterFile** ASCII file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ASCII ``.ini`` file has a ``keyword=value`` structure divided into [sections]. The Bispectrum accepts the following keyword list: **[Bk]** section **statistics** Power spectrum estimator [DOAFFT, YBCFFT, YSCFFT, YDS] **use_random_catalog** [true/false] Enable random catalog usage (for estimators that use it) **Nft** Grid cube side **compute_box_side** [true/false] Enable enclosing box computation **box_side** Lenght of the box (Mpc/h) in configuration space if ``compute_box_side = false`` **catalog_center** X Y Z position of the catalog center **MAS_scheme** Mass Assignment Schema to be used to prepare the grid **use_FKP_weight** [true/false] Enable FKP weighting schema **Pest** Estimated power for FKP weights **cosmology** Cosmology configuration file [used ONLY in LOCAL run of the code] **output_prefix** Extre ID name in the output file **[Bk.meanDensity]** section **method** Method used to calculate Nbar **name** string **format** string **[Bk.Binning]** section **k_min** Minumum k in units of the fundamental frequency 2pi/Lbox for spectrum **k_max** Maximum k in units of the fundamental frequency 2pi/Lbox for spectrum **delta_k** Binning step **[Bk.Validation]** section **compute_catalog_center** [true/false] Enable catalog center computation **use_MAS_correction** [true/false] Enable MAS correction **use_interlacing** [true/false] Enable interlaced grid usage **use_SN_correction** [true/false] Enable poisson shot-noise correction **use_ascii_output** [true/false] Enable ASCII output filen in addition to FITS .. _gcbkcosm: .. include:: gc_input_cosmology_inifile.rst .. DetailedDescBkgcEnd .. _CM2PCFGCINP: CM-2PCF-GC ++++++++++++ .. DetailedDescCmtwopcfgcStart To compute the Galaxy Clustering Two-point Correlation Covarance Matrix Function, a parameter file specifying the configuration is needed. The configuration file contains all the information about the max/min scales to use in the computation, the number of output bins in the correlation function, the estimator to be used and information on the cosmology used for the coordinate transformation. The parameters are used to cross-check the correctness of the input products of the 2PCF-GC provided. XML Product ^^^^^^^^^^^ The product contains the following keywords: **PF** Name of the Processing function using this configuration **ConfigurationID** Identifier for the configuration Parameters+Cosmology used in this product **ParameterSetID** Identifier for the configuration Parameter set used in this configuration **CosmologyID** Identifier for the Cosmology used in this configuration **ReleaseName** Name of the release that uses this configuration **ParameterFile** :ref:`ASCII file ` with PF parameters for this configuration **CosmologyFile** :ref:`ASCII file ` with cosmological parameters to use in this configuration **Comment** [OPTIONAL] Comment to configuration .. _gccm2pcfconf: **ParameterFile** ASCII file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ASCII ``.ini`` file has a ``keyword=value`` structure divided into [sections]. The 2PCF parameter file accepts the following keyword list: **[CM2PCF]** section **only_even** In *MULTIPOLE* case, skip multipoles 1 and 3 .. DetailedDescCmtwopcfgcEnd .. _CMPKGCINP: CM-PK-GC ++++++++++ .. DetailedDescCmpkgcStart The configration product is neede to specify the ccompute Galaxy Clustering Power Spectrum, a Configuration file specifying the configuration is needed. The configuration file contain all the information about the max/min scale to use in the computation, the number of output bins in the output spectrum, the estimator to be used and information on the cosmology to be used for coordinate transformation. The estimator selected in the configuration file defines the output product obtained. XML Product ^^^^^^^^^^^ The product contains the following keywords: **PF** Name of the Processing function using this configuration **ConfigurationID** Identifier for the configuration Parameters+Cosmology used in this product **ParameterSetID** Identifier for the configuration Parameter set used in this configuration **CosmologyID** Identifier for the Cosmology used in this configuration **ReleaseName** Name of the release that uses this configuration **ParameterFile** :ref:`ASCII file ` with PF parameters for this configuration **CosmologyFile** :ref:`ASCII file ` with cosmological parameters to use in this configuration **Comment** [OPTIONAL] Comment to configuration **ParameterFile** ASCII file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ASCII ``.ini`` file has a ``keyword=value`` structure divided into [sections]. The Bispectrum accepts the following keyword list: The configuration product specifies a **ascii** ``.ini`` file in the format keyword=value containing the following quantities: **[CMPK]** section **only_even** use only even multipoles .. DetailedDescCmpkgcEnd .. _PKGCINP: PK-GC +++++++ .. DetailedDescPkgcStart The configuration product is needed to specify the compute Galaxy Clustering Power Spectrum, a Configuration file specifying the configuration is needed. The configuration file contain all the information about the max/min scale to use in the computation, the number of output bins in the output spectrum, the estimator to be used and information on the cosmology to be used for coordinate transformation. The estimator selected in the configuration file defines the output product obtained. XML Product ^^^^^^^^^^^ The product contains the following keywords: **PF** Name of the Processing function using this configuration **ConfigurationID** Identifier for the configuration Parameters+Cosmology used in this product **ParameterSetID** Identifier for the configuration Parameter set used in this configuration **CosmologyID** Identifier for the Cosmology used in this configuration **ReleaseName** Name of the release using this configuration **ParameterFile** :ref:`ASCII file ` with PF parameters for this configuration **CosmologyFile** :ref:`ASCII file ` with cosmological parameters to use in this configuration **Comment** [OPTIONAL] Comment to configuration .. _gcpkconf: **ParameterFile** ASCII file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ASCII ``.ini`` file has a ``keyword=value`` structure divided into [sections]. The Bispectrum accepts the following keyword list: **[Pk]** section **statistics** Power spectrum estimator [DOAFFT, YBCFFT, YSCFFT, YDS] **use_random_catalog** [true/false] Enable random catalog usage (for estimators that use it) **compute_cross_power** [true/false] Enable cross spectrum computation **Nft** Grid cube side **compute_box_side** [true/false] Enable enclosing box computation **box_side** Lenght of the box (Mpc/h) in configuration space if ``compute_box_side = false`` **catalog_center** X Y Z position of the catalog center **MAS_scheme** Mass Assignment Schema to be used to prepare the grid **use_FKP_weight** [true/false] Enable FKP weighting schema **Pest** Estimated power for FKP weights **cosmology** Cosmology configuration file [used ONLY in LOCAL run of the code] **output_prefix** Extre ID name in the output file **[Pk.meanDensity]** section **method** Method used to calculate Nbar **name** string **format** string **[Bk.Binning]** section **type_of_binning** Type of bin scale: [LIN/LOG] **shift_to_bin_center** [true/false] Enable output scale referred on bin center **num_log_bins** Number of log-spaced bins if binning LOG **bin_width_dat** The shell-width in units of the fundamental frequency **bin_width_rand** The shell-width in units of the fundamental frequency for the random catalog **k_min_pk** Minumum k in units of the fundamental frequency 2pi/Lbox for spectrum **k_max_pk** Maximum k in units of the fundamental frequency 2pi/Lbox for spectrum **k_min_win** Minumum k in units of the fundamental frequency 2pi/Lbox for window **k_max_win** Maximum k in units of the fundamental frequency 2pi/Lbox for window **num_mu_bins** Number of mu-bins for 2D spectrum P(k,mu) (for estimators that use it) **[Pk.Validation]** section **compute_catalog_center** [true/false] Enable catalog center computation **use_MAS_correction** [true/false] Enable MAS correction **use_interlacing** [true/false] Enable interlaced grid usage **use_SN_correction** [true/false] Enable poisson shot-noise correction **use_ascii_output** [true/false] Enable ASCII output filen in addition to FITS .. _gcpkcosm: .. include:: gc_input_cosmology_inifile.rst .. DetailedDescPkgcEnd .. DetailedDescEnd