|badge1| |badge2| |badge3| |badge4| Introduction ============ SEL-ID is the interface between the level 2 data products and level 3 statistical analyses in the spectroscopic galaxy clustering pipeline. SEL-ID collects photometric measurements from the :ref:`MERFinalCatalog` and spectroscopic measurements from the :ref:`SPEPfOutputCatalog`. These are written to the :ref:`SELIDCatalog` to form the main spectroscopic galaxy clustering sample. SEL produces catalogs for the Wide and Deep fields. The Deep fields are reduced using all available Deep and Calibration exposures, including blue and red grisms, to produce the full-depth catalog. The fields are also reduced in Wide-like stacks, with combinations of 4 dithers in the red grism in the same configuration as the Wide survey. The full-depth Deep catalog is expected to be highly pure and complete at the Wide survey emission line flux limit (2e-16 erg/cm2/s). SEL applies sample selection criteria to construct subsample catalogs, which go into the :ref:`SELIDSubsampledCatalog`. The selection criteria are also applied to the Deep catalogs, in order to estimate the purity and completeness of the Wide survey samples. Note that the purity and completeness estimates are made on the Deep fields and SEL does not extrapolate the purity and completeness over the entire Wide survey area. Processing elements from SEL and VMSP work together in the SEL-VMSP pipeline. In particular, SEL processes the random catalog (:ref:`DpdLE3IDVMSPRandomCatalog`) to produce corresponding randoms for each subsample catalog. The flowchart is the following: .. figure:: SEL_VMSP_Pipeline_Flowchart_v4.svg :width: 800px :alt: Pipeline flow chart Input products * :ref:`SELIDParams` Output products * :ref:`SELIDCatalog` * :ref:`SELIDStatistics` * :ref:`SELIDSubsampledCatalog` .. |badge1| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/EDEN-3.0-Green .. |badge2| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/ML-ML3A-Green .. |badge3| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/DM-9.0.2-red .. |badge4| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/FDM-9.0.2-red