.. include:: ../../idsubstitutions.txt .. _DpdLE3IDVMSPConfiguration: VMSP Configuration =================== $SetSchemaPath le3/id/vmsp/inp/euc-le3-id-vmsp-config.xsd Data Product Name __________________ .. DataProductNameStart $PrintDataProductName .. DataProductNameEnd Data Product Custodian ________________________ .. DataProductCustodianStart $PrintDataProductCustodian .. DataProductCustodianEnd Name of the Schema File ________________________ .. NameSchemaStart $PrintSchemaFilename .. NameSchemaEnd Last Edited for DPDD Version ____________________________ .. DpddVersionlTagStart 1.1 .. DpddVersionTagEnd Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product ____________________________________________________________ .. PECreatorStart **Creators:** * GC-SWG will specify the parameter values. **Consumers:** * VMSP_Train * VMSP_Sample .. PECreatorEnd Processing function using the data product ____________________________________________ .. PFUsingStart ID VMSP .. PFUsingEnd Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS _________________________________ .. IncludeInSASStart This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: yes This is an input configuration file that should be made available for verification purposes. .. IncludeInSASEnd Data Product Elements ______________________ .. DataProductElementsStart $PrintDataProductElements .. DataProductElementsEnd Detailed Description of the Data Product _________________________________________ .. DetailedDescStart This is the input configuration used by the processing elements ``VMSP_Train`` and ``VMSP_Sample``. Keywords Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **RandomSize** *float* - Determines the size of the output random catalog defined as the ratio of the sum of weights in the random catalog to the galaxy count in the input data catalog. * **SamplingMethod** *str* - Specifies the sampling algorithm, choice of ``GMM`` or ``SHUFFLE``. * **N_Components** *int* - Number of Gaussian components to fit the galaxy distribution (for ``GMM`` sampling method) * **BatchSize** *int* - Batch size used to split a large catalog for fitting the GMM * **FidelityDOF** *float* - Parameter that tunes the fidelity function mapping signal-to-noise to detection probability * **MeasurementThreshold** *float* - Threshold in line SNR^2 to run the SNR measurement routine * **MinimumWeight** *float* - Minimum weight to keep in the random catalog. Randoms with weight less than this value will be discarded .. DetailedDescEnd