Introduction ============ The LE3 :term:`Processing Function` is responsible for computing high level data products relevant to the Euclid project. LE3 is organized in 7 work packages (:term:`WP`) covering different scientific areas illustrated in the figure below (with core science :term:`WP` in Euclid in blue): .. image:: LE3_WorkPackages.png These work packages are further divided into individual independent :term:`PF`. The present document describe the data products for core science priority 1/2 :term:`Processing Function`. For :ref:`WP-WL`: * :ref:`PF-2PCF-WL`: tomographic :term:`2PCF` [**Priority 1**] * :ref:`PF-CM-2PCF-WL`: covariance of tomographic :term:`2PCF` [**Priority 1**] * :ref:`PF-PK-WL`: tomographic Fourier space second order statistics. [**Priority 1**] * :ref:`PF-CM-PK-WL`: covariance of tomographic Fourier space second order statistics. [**Priority 1**] * :ref:`PF-2D-MASS-WL`: 2D mass maps and SNR maps derived from shear measurements. [**Priority 2**] * :ref:`PF-3D-WL`: 3D E/B mode power spectrum derived from shear measurements. [**Priority 2**] For :ref:`WP-GC`: * :ref:`PF-2PCF-GC`: 3D :term:`2PCF` for galaxy redshift catalogs [**Priority 1**] * :ref:`PF-CM-2PCF-GC`: covariance of 3D :term:`2PCF` for galaxy redshift catalogs [**Priority 1**] * :ref:`PF-PK-GC`: 3D power spectrum for galaxy redshift catalogs. [**Priority 1**] * :ref:`PF-CM-PK-GC`: covariance of 3D power spectrum for galaxy redshift catalogs. [**Priority 1**] * :ref:`PF-3PCF-GC`: 3D :term:`3PCF` for galaxy redshift catalogs. [**Priority 2**] * :ref:`PF-BK-GC`: bispectrum for galaxy redshift catalogs. [**Priority 2**] For :ref:`WP-CL`: * :ref:`PF-DET-CL`: Galaxy cluster detection [**Priority 2**] * :ref:`PF-RICH-CL`: Richness of galaxy clusters [**Priority 3**] * :ref:`PF-PROF-CL`: Radial Profile of galaxy clusters [**Priority 3**] For :ref:`WP-ID`: * :ref:`PF-VMPZ-ID`: Photometric redshift selection function [**Priority 1**] * :ref:`PF-VMSP-ID`: Spectroscopic redshift selection function [**Priority 1**] * :ref:`PF-SEL-ID`: Purity and completeness of galaxy samples and the selection of a catalog that maximizes both [**Priority 1**] For :ref:`WP-ED`: * :ref:`PF-GALEXT-ED`: Galactic extinction maps and their errors [**Priority 1**] .. This is the section that should contain the summary flowchart of the :term:`Processing Function`, where the products that will be described should appear quite clearly. In principle, this flow-chart should be no different from the one already present in the RSD and possibly in the Software Design Document, and at least we encourage to have a single flow-chart between the RSD and the :term:`DPDD`. The idea is to guide the reader of the DPDD toward a more detailed understanding of the role of the products in the pipeline.