.. _NIRMasterFlat: [to complete] NIR Small Scale Flat (MasterFlat) ================================= $SetSchemaPath nir/euc-test-nir-MasterFlat.xsd Data Product Name __________________ .. DataProductNameStart $PrintDataProductName .. DataProductNameEnd Data Product Custodian _________________________________ .. DataProductCustodianStart $PrintDataProductCustodian .. DataProductCustodianEnd Name of the Schema File ________________________ .. NameSchemaStart $PrintSchemaFilename .. NameSchemaEnd Data Product Elements ______________________ .. DataProductElementsStart $PrintDataProductElements .. DataProductElementsEnd Detailed Description of the Data Product _________________________________________ .. DetailedDescStart The **MasterFlat** frame corrects the NIR science frames for variations in pixel response to a flat illumination. This Data Product is dedicated to track small scale variations, i.e. <100 pixels. A MasterFlat frame for each filter is foreseen. In addition, a set of metadata is used to describe the validity range and calibration units used to generate the MasterFlat. Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. PECreatorStart The **MasterFlat** is created by the *NIR_MasterFlat_Pipeline* which combines flat frames taken for the 5 LEDs in the NISP calibration unit. The task responsible for the MasterFlat creation is **NIR_construct_master_flat** (under *NIR_FlatFieldCorrection* project). .. PECreatorEnd Processing function using the data product ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. PFUsingStart This is an internal NIR data product, and it is used only by the NIR PF. It is applied by the **NIR_apply_flat_field_correction** task (under *NIR_FlatFieldCorrection* project) inside the *NIR_ProcessField_Pipeline* and in most of the calibration pipelines. .. PFUsingEnd Data Product structure description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. DataProductDescrStart The main elements inside the *Data* section are: * **Filter**: The filter name (e.g. NIR_Y, NIR_J, NIR_H) * **ValidityRange**: Calibration file validity period estimated * **CalibUnit**: List of Calibration Units used for MasterFlat creation * **LedId**: ID of specific LED used. *CULEDID* keyword * **FluxId**: Led Flux ID. *CULEDINT* keyword * **FluxVoltage** (optional): LED Flux voltage (V) * **DataStorage**: Element that links to a FITS file containing the MasterFlat FITS file * **QualityParams** (optional): List of Detector Data Quality Parameters * **Min**: Minimum image pixel value * **Max**: Maximum image pixel value * **Mean**: Average image level (mean of all image pixel values) * **Median**: Median image level (median of all image pixel values) * **StDev**: Sample standard deviation of the image pixel values * **MaskedPixelFraction**: The fraction of masked pixels .. DataProductDescrEnd FITS file description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. FITSFileDescriptionStart The structure of the NIR MasterFlat is the same as the Science Image of the :ref:`NIRCalibratedFrame` with 16 x 3 layers, i.e. containing median flat field correction, RMS, and Data Quality flags for each detector. Primary header **************** The primary header contains keywords to identify FITS data type. In addition *CULEDID* and *CULEDINT* keywords are dedicated to track *CalibUnit* parameters. $PrintPrimaryHeader fit/euc-test-nir.xml nir.masterFlat SCI Extension header **************** The scientific header contains some basic image definition keywords. $PrintExtensionHeader fit/euc-test-nir.xml nir.masterFlat SCI.n .. FITSFileDescriptionEnd .. DetailedDescEnd