.. _PHZPfOutputForL3: PHZ PF output catalog product for LE3 ===================================== [Output Product] $SetSchemaPath phz/euc-phz-PhzPfOutputForL3.xsd Data Product Name __________________ .. DataProductNameStart $PrintDataProductName .. DataProductNameEnd Data Product Custodian _______________________ .. DataProductCustodianStart $PrintDataProductCustodian .. DataProductCustodianEnd Name of the Schema File ________________________ .. NameSchemaStart $PrintSchemaFilename .. NameSchemaEnd Data Product Elements ______________________ .. DataProductElementsStart $PrintDataProductElements .. DataProductElementsEnd Schema documentation tag _________________________ .. SchemaDocTagStart :emphasis:`Documentation for data product element dpdPhzPfOutputForL3:` This product contains the PHZ PF output catalog destinated to L3 . This consists of 7 different files, one containing the classification columns, 4 containing the physical parameters columns (for the different type of objects) one containing the star class and the last containing the list of globular cluster. :emphasis:`Documentation for data product element Header:` The generic header of the product. .. SchemaDocTagEnd Detailed Description of the Data Product _________________________________________ .. DetailedDescStart The information carried by this product are split in 7 FITS files: * *Classification Catalog* * *Physical Parameters Catalog* * *AGN Physical Parameters Catalog* (not used for now) * *QSO Physical Parameters Catalog* * *NIR Physical Parameters Catalog* * *Globular Cluster Catalog* * *Star Template* Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. PECreatorStart * This product is created by the *PHZ Catalog Merger* processing element of the PHZ PF, which merges the outputs of the following PHZ PF processing elements: *Phosphoros* (PHZ PDF and SED information), *NNPZ* (PHZ PDF and SED information), *PDF Statistics* (statistical information of the PDF) and *Classification* (Classification information). .. PECreatorEnd Processing function using the data product ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. PFUsingStart * PHZ PF output product to be used by LE3 PFs. .. PFUsingEnd They are described in details bellow: .. _ClassificationCatalog: Classification Catalog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This part of the product is a FITS binary table containing the photometric redshift and its PDF, as it is computed by the PHZ PF. The table is expected to follow the format described by the phz.classificationCatalog version 0.9 description, which defines the following columns: $PrintCatalog fit/euc-phz.xml phz.classificationCatalog .. _PHZPhysicalParametersCatalog: Physical parameters catalog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This part of the product is a FITS binary table containing the physical parameters and their PDFs, as they are computed by the PHZ PF. The table is expected to follow the format described by the phz.physicalParametersCatalog version 0.9 description, which defines the following columns: $PrintCatalog fit/euc-phz.xml phz.physicalParametersCatalog .. _PHZAgnPhysicalParametersCatalog: AGN Physical parameters catalog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This part of the product is a FITS binary table containing the physical parameters and their PDFs, as they are computed by the PHZ PF. The table is expected to follow the format described by the phz.AgnPhysicalParametersCatalog version 0.9 description, which defines the following columns: $PrintCatalog fit/euc-phz.xml phz.AgnPhysicalParametersCatalog .. _PHZQsoPhysicalParametersCatalog: QSO Physical parameters catalog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This part of the product is a FITS binary table containing the physical parameters and their PDFs, as they are computed by the PHZ PF. The table is expected to follow the format described by the phz.QsoPhysicalParametersCatalog version 0.9 description, which defines the following columns: $PrintCatalog fit/euc-phz.xml phz.QsoPhysicalParametersCatalog .. _PHZNirPhysicalParametersCatalog: NIR Physical parameters catalog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This part of the product is a FITS binary table containing the physical parameters and their PDFs, as they are computed by the PHZ PF. The table is expected to follow the format described by the phz.NirPhysicalParametersCatalog version 0.9 description, which defines the following columns: $PrintCatalog fit/euc-phz.xml phz.NirPhysicalParametersCatalog .. _PHZGlobularClusterCatalog: Globular Cluster Catalog ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This part of the product is a FITS binary table containing the list of Globular Cluster candidates. The table is expected to follow the format described by the phz.GlobularClusterCatalog version 0.9 description, which defines the following columns: $PrintCatalog fit/euc-phz.xml phz.GlobularClusterCatalog .. _PHZStarTemplate: Star Template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This part of the product is a FITS binary table containing the the information about the objects identified as stars. The table is expected to follow the format described by the phz.StarTemplate version 0.9 description, which defines the following columns: $PrintCatalog fit/euc-phz.xml phz.StarTemplate .. DetailedDescEnd