.. _SHEObjectIDList: Shear Object ID List -------------------- $SetSchemaPath she/euc-she-ObjectIdList.xsd Data product name ================= .. DataProductNameStart $PrintDataProductName .. DataProductNameEnd Data product custodian ====================== .. DataProductCustodianStart $PrintDataProductCustodian .. DataProductCustodianEnd Name of the Schema file ======================= .. NameSchemaStart $PrintSchemaFilename .. NameSchemaEnd Last Edited for DPDD Version ____________________________ .. DpddVersionTagStart 1.1 .. DpddVersionTagEnd Data product elements ===================== .. DataProductElementsStart $PrintDataProductElements .. DataProductElementsEnd Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product ===================================================== .. PECreatorStart **Creators:** * SHE_CTE_ObjectIdSplit **Consumers:** * SHE_PSFToolkit_ModelPSFs * SHE_LensMC_EstimateShear .. PECreatorEnd Processing function using the data product ========================================== .. PFUsingStart SHE .. PFUsingEnd Detailed description of the data product ======================================== .. DetailedDescStart An XML data product containing a list of Object IDs, as assigned in OU-MER's Final Catalog. The data type of this list shall match that of the OBJECT_ID column in this catalog (a 64-bit integer). This list may have any number of elements, from zero upward. Due to computational constraints, the largest size this list will take is typically of order 20. .. DetailedDescEnd