.. _SIMNipInputConfiguration: Nip Input Configuration Product =============================== $SetSchemaPath sim/euc-sim-NipInputConfiguration.xsd Data Product Name _________________ .. DataProductNameStart $PrintDataProductName .. DataProductNameEnd Data Product Custodian ______________________ .. DataProductCustodianStart $PrintDataProductCustodian .. DataProductCustodianEnd Name of the Schema File ________________________ .. NameSchemaStart $PrintSchemaFilename .. NameSchemaEnd Last Edited for DPDD Version ____________________________ .. DpddVersionlTagStart 1.1 .. DpddVersionTagEnd Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product ___________________________________________________________ .. PECreatorStart **Creators:** SIM_Planner/SimPlannerProgram **Consumers:** SIM_Imagem/EuclidNipSplit .. PECreatorEnd Processing Function using the products ______________________________________ .. PFUsingStart SIM_Imagem .. PFUsingEnd Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS _________________________________ .. IncludeInSASStart This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: no This data product is for PF_SIM internal use only. .. IncludeInSASEnd Data Product Elements _____________________ .. DataProductElementsStart $PrintDataProductElements .. DataProductElementsEnd Detailed Description of the Data Product ________________________________________ .. DetailedDescStart In its **Data** section, this data product combines a generic SIM input configuration data type, with Space Simulation and Processing settings specific to the NIP channel. Input star and galaxy catalogues are provided to EuclidVis :term:`PE` by another data product :ref:`SIMTrueUniverseOutput`. Input Configuration +++++++++++++++++++ The input configuration is generic to all SIM simulation channels. It contains the following elements: * **MagnitudeLimit**: Magnitude cut in the **MagnitudeLimitFilter** in AB system. It applies both to stars and galaxies (optional) * **MagnitudeLimitFilter**: Filter for the magnitude cut in AB system (default: Euclid-H band) (optional) * **LogHalphaFluxLimit**: log(Halpha flux) cut, with Halpha flux in unit of erg/s/cm2/A (optional) * **RandomSeed**: Random seed used and propagated across all the SIM pipeline (optional) * **SimInputConfId**: This Id is propagated in the rest of the pipeline for specific processing. This Id is present ONLY if the productCategory is set to SIMULATION. This Id could transport a full description of the SIM processing parameters or a shortcut for this configuration : CAMPAIGNTTGRISM, ROTATE90GAL,... (optional) The name of the release is given by the **DataSetRelease** element in **Header** section of the data product. Note that these elements are currently ignored by SIM_Imagem, because it uses the :ref:`SIMTrueUniverseOutput` as an input catalog, which already contains these cuts. Space Simulation Settings +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Describes simulation settings common to EuclidNip, EuclidNis and EuclidVis :ref:`Processing Elements`. It contains the following elements: * **FPAPointing**: FPA pointing in Equatorial Coordinates J2000 * **DataProduct**: Data product type and category (e.g. Image or Spectrum, Science or Calibration Dark or Flat, etc.) * **ObservationDate**: Observation date of the exposure * **ObservationMode**: Wide Survey or Deep Survey * **ObservationSequence**: Information on the observation sequence in which the exposure is acquired * **InstrumentMode**: Instrument mode during the exposure acquisition * **Orbit**: Predicted satellite orbit (Position, Velocity, Solar aspect angle) at the observation time (optional) NIP Processing Settings +++++++++++++++++++++++ The NIP specific processing settings data type contains the following elements: * **ReadoutMode**: Readout mode used in this exposure * **CalibUnit**: Calibration unit status and level * **GrismWheelPos**: Grism wheel position * **GrismTiltAngle**: Grism Wheel tilt with respect to the selected grism * **FilterWheelPos**: Filter wheel position * **SourceSampling**: Sampling of the source surface brightness distribution in um, used for PSF convolution and intra-pixel variations. It must be a divisor of the pixel size (18 um). * **ProcessingSteps**: Set of NIP specific processing steps to activate/deactivate .. DetailedDescEnd