.. _Tempintro Instructions for the contributors ================================= The Data Product Description Document (DPDD for short) is the encyclopedia of all the data products used in the SGS and as such registered in the Data Model (DM). The DPDD is written as a collection of sphinx pages, compiled into a set of html pages (preferred access mode) and a single PDF file. The DPDD is organized by processing function (PF). For each PF, the DPDD contains an introduction and a detailed description of each product, one per page. The following sections gives instructions on how to fill theses pages. When writing your documentation, please be mindful of your potential reader: be as complete and thorough as can be. Starting after version V 1.0 delivered for the Ground Segment Readiness Review we are introducing a set of commands that allow to automatically insert relevant information from the Data Model of the product. See below for details. Filling the introduction ------------------------ The introduction should provide a brief overview of the PF, giving a link to the PF documentation. As of V 1.0, the best suited document for users to find information on the generation of the products is the PF Software Design Document (SDD). The introduction should then provide the list of products separated in 4 sublists * Inputs products (when produced by the PF itself). * Outputs products. * Calibrations products. * Internals products. Filling the product descriptions -------------------------------- Some of the information presented in the product description may seem redundant to the developer. For example, the developper are asked to provide for each product the name of the PF producing it. The reason for this is that the DPDD will be accessed in two ways: #. Either from the introduction, then following links to a given product that they have identified as of interest to them. #. Either directly after searching a product that they are discovering from the archive. Landing on product description this way makes it sometimes awkward to find out in which section of the DPDD (hence for which PF) one is reading from. Hence the duplication of information on each page. A set of commands were created for the Data Product Description Document which will allow Developers to produce automated information using direct data from the Data Model, Fits Data Model and providing an output with sphinx format for structural documentation. Use the template presented in :ref:`TemplateUser` for the documentation of each product. See example of the :ref:`TemplateUserExample`. The :ref:`TemplateManual` document the features added to the Data Description of the Data Model.