.. _VisXTalk: Vis XTalk Frame Product ----------------------------- $SetSchemaPath vis/euc-vis-XTalkModel.xsd Data product name ================= .. DataProductNameStart $PrintDataProductName .. DataProductNameEnd Data product custodian ====================== .. DataProductCustodianStart $PrintDataProductCustodian .. DataProductCustodianEnd Name of the Schema file ======================= .. NameSchemaStart $PrintSchemaFilename .. NameSchemaEnd Last Edited for DPDD Version ============================ .. NameSchemaStart 1.1 .. NameSchemaEnd Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product ===================================================== .. PECreatorStart Final data product of the XTalk Calibraiton pipeline .. PECreatorEnd Processing function using the data product ========================================== .. PFUsingStart VIS Science pipeline and other calibraiton pipelines when calling XTalk Correction PE. .. PFUsingEnd Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS ========================================== .. PFUsingStart Yes .. PFUsingEnd Data product elements ===================== .. DataProductElementsStart $PrintDataProductElements .. DataProductElementsEnd Detailed description of the data product ======================================== .. DetailedDescStart https://euclid.roe.ac.uk/dmsf/files/16332/view Electronic crosstalk occurs in the VIS instrument when all the 12 quadrants (four in each of the three CCDs) of the same readout electronic block (ROE) are read synchronously. Due to the close cabling of the electrical paths and their insufficient shielding, the signal from each quadrant is mixed with the others by undesired conductive, capacitive or inductive coupling. The value of this positive or negative coupling factor is called the crosstalk coefficient. The output product of the Electronic Crossatlk Calibration pipeline is a JSON file containing a dictionary. This dictionary contains the following keys: * date: date of crosstalk model JSON file creation * author: full path of script generating the model * comment: any comment * exp_list: list of exposure FITS filenames used to measure the crosstalk coefficients * cal_coeff: double-entry dictionary of crosstalk coefficients, the first index is the source quadrant name, the second index is the victim quadrant name. For example, cal_coeff['1-2.E']['1-3.F'] contains the coefficient by which the '1-2.E' signal is multiplied and then added to the '1-3.F' quadrant image in the readout electronics * cal_error: same as cal_coeff, but contains the crosstalk coefficient estimation error Detailed algorithm information can be found at the tech note: https://euclid.roe.ac.uk/dmsf/files/16332/view .. DetailedDescEnd