Random Cluster Catalogue Output Product¶
$SetSchemaPath le3/cl/euc-le3-cl-sel-random.xsd
Data Product Name¶
Data Product Custodian¶
Name of the Schema File¶
Last Edited for DPDD Version¶
Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product¶
Processing Function using the products¶
Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS¶
This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: Yes
This product will be used by other PFs.
Data Product Elements¶
Detailed Description of the Data Product¶
This output data product contains a random catalogue of galaxy clusters.
This data product contains a randomized catalog of clusters, defined over the same range of parameters as in selcloutSubSample .
The keywords and values refering to the column keys and to the cuts along the different quantities are copied from selcloutSubSample :
CAT_ID: Type of catalog (string) [RANDOM]
CAT_V: Random catalog version (string)
SNR_KEY: Name of the SNR column used for the subsample
Z_KEY: Name of the redshift column used for the subsample
RICHNESS_KEY: Name of the richness column used for the subsample
SNR_LOW: Lower cut on SNR
Z_LOW: Lower cut on redshift
Z_HIGH: Higher cut on redshift
RICHNESS_LOW: Lower cut on redshift
RICHNESS_HIGH: Higher cut on redshift
DET_CODE: Reference to the code used for the detection (1=AMICO, 2=PZWav, None=both) To be implemented
HAS_CROSS_ID_CLUSTER: Flag on the CROSS_ID_CLUSTER field : 0=select entries without a cross-reference, 1=select entries with cross-reference, -1 =not a criteria To be implemented
ID_CLUSTER_RAND: Unique Identification Number (1 Long integer)
RIGHT_ASCENSION_CLUSTER_RAND: Right Ascension (degrees) (1 double)
DECLINATION_CLUSTER_RAND: Declination (degrees) (1 double)
Z_CLUSTER_RAND: Redshift (1 double)
WEIGHT_CLUSTER_RAND: Weight associated to the object (1 double)
Equivalent table from XML:
$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-le3-cl.xml le3.cl.sel.output.random RANDOM_SELCL
$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-le3-cl.xml le3.cl.sel.output.random RANDOM_SELCL
The above keyword list is incomplete, due to a bug in the automatic retrieval of the information ST_FitsDataModel.
We are working on fixing this bug.