Output Product: E/B Convergence Maps for Clusters

$SetSchemaPath le3/wl/twodmass/out/euc-le3-wl-twodmass-ConvergenceClusters.xsd

Data Product Name


Data Product Custodian


Name of the Schema File


Last edited for DPDD version


Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product




  • None

Processing function using the data product

Science Working Group

Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS

This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: Yes

This product is an internal data product of the SGS that can be used by CL PFs.

Data Product Elements


Detailed Description of the Data Product

This product contains 2D convergence maps (denoised and/or noisy), and/or SNR map for a cluster.

This output product contains three optional FITS structures:

  • a noisy convergence map as a FITS data array containing the E/B mode for a cluster, the number of galaxies per pixel and with important input parameters as keywords. In particular, the DENTYPE keyword indicates that the data has not been denoised [NoisyConvergence xml tag]

  • a denoised convergence map as a FITS data array containing the denoised E/B mode for a cluster, the number of galaxies per pixel and with important input parameters as keywords. In particular, the DENTYPE keyword indicates that the data has been denoised [DenoisedConvergence xml tag]

  • a SNR map as a FITS data array containing the E/B modes SNR map for a cluster, the number of galaxies per pixel and with important input parameters as keywords [SNRPatch xml tag]

  • a “NResamples” field to specify the number of samples that were used to compute the SNR maps [int]

  • a “McSeed” field to specify the seed of the random number generator [int]

Noisy or denoised convergence maps

Primary HDU:

$PrintPrimaryHeader fit/euc-le3-wl.xml le3.wl.2dmass.output.clusterconvergence


For the array in HDU, the following keywords are specified (EXTNAME = “KAPPA”):


$PrintArrayHDUContents fit/euc-le3-wl.xml le3.wl.2dmass.output.clusterconvergence ARRAY_n

The image contains a 3 dimensional image containing 2D maps for E and B modes (noisy or denoised according to DENTYPE parameters) and an image with the number of galaxies per pixel (can serve to derive a noise level or to identify zones with no galaxy measured where inpainting has been performed).

SNR maps

Primary HDU:

$PrintPrimaryHeader fit/euc-le3-wl.xml le3.wl.2dmass.output.clustersnr


For the array in HDU, the following keywords are specified for (EXTNAME = “SNR”):


$PrintArrayHDUContents fit/euc-le3-wl.xml le3.wl.2dmass.output.clustersnr SNR_CLUSTER_n

The image contains a 3 dimensional image containing the 2D SNR images for E and B convergence, and an image with the number of galaxies per pixel.