Output Product: Spherical E/B Convergence Maps

$SetSchemaPath le3/wl/twodmass/out/euc-le3-wl-twodmass-ConvergenceSphere.xsd

Data Product Name


Data Product Custodian


Name of the Schema File


Last edited for DPDD version


Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product




  • None

Processing function using the data product

Science Working Group

Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS

This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: Yes

This product is an internal product of SGS.

Data Product Elements


Detailed Description of the Data Product

This product contains 2D “wide-field” convergence maps (denoised and/or noisy), and/or SNR map, galaxy count and Monte-Carlo realizations computed on the sphere.

This output product contains four optional FITS structures:

  • a noisy convergence map as a FITS data array (one HDU per redshift bin) containing the E/B convergence HEALPix maps. Important input parameters are stored as keywords, in particular, the DENTYPE keyword indicates that the data has not been denoised [NoisyConvergence XML tag]

  • a denoised convergence map as a FITs data array (one HDU per redshift bin) containing the HEALPix denoised E/B convergence maps. Important input parameters are stored as keywords, in particular, the DENTYPE keyword indicates that the data has been denoised [DenoisedConvergence XML tag]

  • several Monte-Carlo maps as multiple FITS data arrays (one FITS per realization) containing the HEALPix E/B convergence maps for a realization (one HDU per redshift bin), of same format as the previous ones [MonteCarloMap XML tag]

  • a galaxy-count map as a FITS data array (one HDU per redshift bin) containing the number of galaxies per pixel [GalCount XML tag]

  • a SNR map as a FITS data array (one HDU per redshift bin) containing the E/B SNR HEALPix maps [SNRMaps XML tag]

  • a “NResamples” field to specify the number of samples that were used to compute the SNR maps [int]

  • a “McSeed” field to specify the seed of the random number generator [int]

  • an associated spatial footprint (see spatialFootprint here) [cot:spatialFootprint].

Primary HDU:

All products have same primary array, described as follows, characterizing the important parameters of the product, such as the coordinate system:

$PrintPrimaryHeader fit/euc-le3-wl.xml le3.wl.2dmass.output.sphereconvergence

They however differ in the information stored in the next HDUs.

Noisy or denoised convergence maps/Monte Carlo realizations

For the array in HDU (HDU= 1..N, one per redshift bin), the following keywords are specified for each hdu, starting with required HEALPix keywords (see https://healpix.sourceforge.io/data/examples/healpix_fits_specs.pdf):


$PrintExtensionHeader fit/euc-le3-wl.xml le3.wl.2dmass.output.sphereconvergence KAPPA_ZBIN_i


$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-le3-wl.xml le3.wl.2dmass.output.sphereconvergence KAPPA_ZBIN_i

For each redshift bin (1 hdu per redshift bin), the E/B modes are stored in a 2d binary table with two vector columns (KAPPA_E, KAPPA_B)s.

Galaxy-count maps

For the array in a HDU (HDU= 1..N, one per redshift bin), the following keywords are specified, starting with required HEALPix keywords (see https://healpix.sourceforge.io/data/examples/healpix_fits_specs.pdf):


$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-le3-wl.xml le3.wl.2dmass.output.spheregalcount GALCOUNT_ZBIN_i

According to HEALPix convention, for each redshift bin, a GALCOUNT column will contain the number of Galaxies measured per pixel on the sphere and redshift bin considered, which can also be used to identify the area inpainted (pixel without measured galaxies).

SNR maps

For the array in HDU (HDU= 1..N, one per redshift bin), the following keywords are specified for each hdu, starting with required HEALPix keywords (see https://healpix.sourceforge.io/data/examples/healpix_fits_specs.pdf):


$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-le3-wl.xml le3.wl.2dmass.output.spheresnr SNR_ZBIN_i

According to HEALPix convention, for each redshift bin (1 hdu per redshift bin), the maps are stored in a 2d binary table with two vector columns (SNR_E, SNR_B), associated to the E/B SNR maps.