Output Product: Covariance of Tomographic Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing EB Power Spectra¶
$SetSchemaPath le3/wl/cmtwopcf/out/euc-le3-wl-cmtwopcf-PEBPosShear2D.xsd
Data Product Name¶
Data Product Custodian¶
Name of the Schema File¶
Last Edited for DPDD Version¶
Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product¶
Processing function using the data product¶
SGS pipeline output product to be used by LE3 and SWGs
Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS¶
This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: Yes
The covariance matrix gives the error estimates of the shear-position real-space second-order statistics E and B mode functions.
Data Product Elements¶
Detailed Description of the Data Product¶
This product contains the covariance matrix for tomographi galaxy-galaxy lensing E/B power spectra.
This output product is a fits binary table containing important input parameters as keywords in primary HDU, and a binary table in the next HDU with the covariance for galaxy-galaxy lensing E/B power spectra as described in
Extra metadata associated to the FITS container are the following:
SpatialCoverage a description of the spatial footprint [optional, cot:spatialFootprint],
CatalogSelection: describing the selection in the input catalogues [optional, up to 4 elements]
CatalogFileName: the name of the input catalogue [sys:dataFileName]
Selection: selection associated to catalogue [string]
CatalogUse: for which use case the catalog is employed (=[“PosShear”]) [string among “PosPos”, “PosShear”, “ShearShear”]
CatalogInfo: whether position or shear information is used in this catalogue [string among “Pos”, “Shear”]
CatalogOrder: order associated to catalogue for reporting (e.g. BIN_ID1)[int32]
This fits table is expected to contain the following keywords in primary HDU, characterizing the important parameters of the product:
$PrintPrimaryHeader fit/euc-le3-wl.xml le3.wl.cm2pcf.output.pebposshear2d
Covariance table¶
The table (first HDU, EXTNAME=”RS_COVAR_EB_POSSHEAR2D”) will contain the following columns:
$PrintCatalog fit/euc-le3-wl.xml le3.wl.cm2pcf.output.pebposshear2d
Under discussion is the possibility in the future of having as first HDU an estimate for Shot Noise :
ELL1: first mean multipole [D, float64]
ELL2: second mean multipole [D, float64]
BIN_COMB1: first index for combination of redshift bins [J, int32]
BIN_COMB2: second index for combination of redshift bins [J, int32]
PE_PE_SH: covariance between E band power spectrum (shot/shape noise) [D, float64]
PB_PB_SH: covariance between B band power spectrum (shot/shape noise) [D, float64]
PE_PB_SH: covariance between E and B band power spectra (shot/shape noise) [D, float64]