Calibrated Catalogue Product

$SetSchemaPath vis/euc-vis-CalibratedFrameCatalog.xsd

Data product name


Data product custodian


Name of the Schema file


Last Edited for DPDD Version


Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product

SHE processing functions.

Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS


Data product elements


Detailed description of the data product

The VIS processing function provides a series of catalogues delivered in FITS “LDAC” format. These catalogues are produced using SExtractor ([Bertin & Arnouts 1996]).

The PSF model is fitted to the data to produce the zero point and spread model. It is the PSF model in the pipeline input and corresponds to the PSF calibrated to a particular data set.

This calibrated catalogue contains 2 type of catalogue :

  • The LDAC_IMHEAD catalog is a 1-column catalogue witch containt the header and some information (like SE parameters) of the original image.

  • The LDAC_OBJECTS catalogue is a 77-colum catalogue. Some of these column are detailed below.

We calculate the magnitude in 4 aperture : 7, 13, 26 and 50 pixels.

Description of some column

FLAGS: SExtractor extraction flags, basic warnings about the source extraction process, in order of increasing concern.

FLAGS_WIN: SExtractor flag for various issues which may happen with windowed measurements.

FLAGS_MODEL: SExtractor flag for various issues which may happen during the fitting process.

IMAFLAGS_ISO: Flags from the flag map maid during the processing. See Vis Flag Map Product for flags details.

NIMAFLAGS_ISO: number(s) of relevant flag map pixels

SPREAD_MODEL: Spread parameter from model-fitting. Stars are object with:

abs(SPREAD_MODEL) <0.003.

FLUX_AUTO: Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture ; FLUXERR_AUTO: RMS error for AUTO flux

MAG_AUTO: Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude ; MAGERR_AUTO: RMS error for AUTO magnitude

FLUX_RADIUS: Fraction-of-light radii (pixels)

MAG_APER: Magnitude in a defined aperture.

User case

Selection of Stars: You can use the spread model for select all the stars of the catalogue (i.e. abs(SPREAD_MODEL) <0.003). If you want no saturated star, you need also to select object with Flags=0.