The PF DET-CL is being implemented with two different cluster detection codes: AMICO and PZWAV. Their algorithms are different, but each of them satisfies the PF requirements.
The input files are the galaxies catalogue including the photometric redshift, the mask applied on these catalogs and a parameter file providing the information needed by both AMICO and PZWAV. In addition, AMICO requires a specific model file, which is a set of static parameters vectors describing the cluster model.
A first output is the list of detected clusters and their characteristics. This data product has unified columns for both detection codes, one of the columns, the SNR one, has a different meaning when computed by AMICO or PZWAV. The second output Data Products according to the RSD is the catalogue of the galaxies membership of the clusters; it is currently only provided by AMICO code.

Input products
Galaxy catalogue Input Product (CL generated input based on a selections of columns from MER-Final_catalog, SPE_calibrated_spectra, and PhotoZCatalog.)
Galaxies Mask Input Product (CL generated input based on VMPZ-ID HEALPix visibility mask.
Output products