3PCF-GC products: both connected and reduced three-point correlation functions are obtained from the same input products and using the same methodology. The two products share all the running parameters. Both connected and reduced three-point correlation functions can be obtained for all triangle configuration between a $r_{min}$ and a $r_{max}$ or for a given configuration that specifies $r_{12}$ and an $r_{13}$, and using two different methods of counting triplets, the DIRECT COUNTING and the SPHERICAL HARMONICS DECOMPOSITION”
The flowchart for products related to 3PCF-GC are the following:
Connected 3PCF

Reduced 3PCF

We define the mixed catalog, \(N\equiv(D-R)\), as the union of the data, \(D\), and random, \(R\), catalogs, with random objects weighted by \(w=-N_{data}/N_{random}\).
Optionally, the code can receive as input NNN and/or RRR triplet counts from a previous run, where NNN are the triplets in the mixed catalog, and RRR the triplet in the random catalog. The code computes and stores only the triplet counts not read in input.
Input products
Output products