Output Product: MOC Footprint Mask

$SetSchemaPath le3/id/vmpz/out/euc-le3-id-vmpz-MOCFootprintMask.xsd

Data Product Name


Data Product Custodian


Name of the Schema File


Last Edited for DPDD Version


Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product


  • VMPZ_Main (LE3_VMPZ_ID_Main)


  • VMPZ_Visibility (LE3_VMPZ_ID_Visibility)

Processing function using the data product



Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS

This product is proposed for inclusion in SAS: yes

This product is used by different PFs in OU-LE3 and expected to be used in scientific analysis in SWG-GC, SWG-WL and SWG-CL.

Data Product Elements


Detailed Description of the Data Product

This output product is essentially the footprint of the survey for a given band/instrument. The FootprintMaskMOC metadata includes a container with a FITS file (of type le3.id.vmpz.mocfootprintmask) describing the footprint for the survey in MOC HEALPix format, for a given observed band/instrument (Euclid/EXT), and a raw description with polygons of the envelope of the sky covered is added as well to ease future queries on the product (SpatialCoverage metadata, see spatialFootprint). Finally, the mask parameters FootprintMaskMOCParams can optionally be associated to the product.

Keywords (Primary HDU)

The primary HDU is expected to contain the following keywords, characterizing important parameters of the input product:

$PrintPrimaryHeader fit/euc-le3-id.xml le3.id.vmpz.mocfootprintmask

  1. DATE-OBS: start of observation with format ‘yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss’ [StringKeyword]

  2. DATE-END: end of observation with format ‘yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss’ [StringKeyword]

  3. TELESCOP: name of the telescope [StringKeyword]

  4. INSTRUME: name of the instrument [StringKeyword]

  5. FILTER: name of the filter [StringKeyword]

  6. FILTLST: selection of filter if intersection of multiple footprints [StringKeyword]

  7. TILEID: identifier of the MER Tile processed (-1 if multiple Tiles) [IntegerKeyword]

  8. LISTID: identifier of a MER list of tiles product (-1 if single Tile) [StringKeyword]

  9. NSIDE_WK: Nside parameter used for frame->HEALPix [StringKeyword]

    and basic software parameters:

  10. SOFTNAME: name of software used [StringKeyword]

  11. SOFTVERS: version of software used [StringKeyword]

Partial MOC Footprint Table (First Extension, Binary Table)

The following keywords are used to describe what MOC conventions are followed:

$PrintHDUTableContents fit/euc-le3-id.xml le3.id.vmpz.mocfootprintmask FOOTPRINT_MASK

  1. TTYPE1 (= ‘UNIQ’) [StringKeyword]

  2. TFORM1 (= ‘K’) [StringKeyword]

  3. TTYPE2 (= ‘WEIGHT’) [StringKeyword]

  4. TFORM2 (= ‘E’) [StringKeyword]

  5. PIXTYPE (= ‘HEALPIX’) [StringKeyword]

  6. ORDERING (= ‘NUNIQ’) [StringKeyword]

  7. COORDSYS (= ‘C’=celestial, ‘E’=ecliptic or ‘G’=galactic) [StringKeyword]

  8. MOCORDER (best HEALPix order) [IntegerKeyword]

  9. MOCTYPE [StringKeyword]

  10. DATE [StringKeyword]

  11. EXTNAME (= ‘FOOTPRINT_MASK’) [StringKeyword]

The table is then expected to contain the following columns:

  1. UNIQ: index of pixel [K, int64]

  2. WEIGHT: weight associated to pixel in [0,1] indicating the fraction of the pixel actually covered by the footprint (1: not observed regions) [E, float32]