Input Product: Parameters for Tomographic Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing EB Power Spectra¶
$SetSchemaPath le3/wl/twopcf/inp/euc-le3-wl-twopcf-ParamsPEBPosShear2D.xsd
Data Product Name¶
Data Product Custodian¶
Name of the Schema File¶
Last Edited for DPDD Version¶
Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product¶
Created by hand
Processing Function using the products¶
Proposed for inclusion in EAS/SAS¶
This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: No
Motivation: the product gathers the necessary parameters for processing a pipeline. The products created by the processing are stored in the SAS and contain an extract of the main parameters.
Data Product Elements¶
Detailed Description of the Data Product¶
This product contains parameters to calculate the tomographic galaxy-galaxy lensing E/B power spectra.
The following parameters are needed to compute the tomographic Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing EB Power Spectra:
SpectralBinning: defining the redshift binning for tomography
Nbins: Number of power spectrum bins to consider [long]
SpectralBins: list (max 100 elements) of power spectrum bins, or if single, minimal and maximal multipole to be splitted [list]
MinEll: min multipole in the bin [double]
MaxEll: max multipole in the bin [double]
This is described in the following XSD types.