Final Catalog Product

$SetSchemaPath mer/euc-mer-FinalCatalog.xsd

Data Product Name


Data Product Custodian


Name of the Schema File


Last Edited for DPDD Version


Processing Elements Creating / Updating / Using the Product


  • MER_CatalogAssembly

  • MER_Compression

  • MER_MorphoPatch


  • MER_QuickAnalysis

  • MER_Compression

  • MER_MorphoPatch

  • MER_Validation

Processing Function Using the Product


Proposed for Inclusion in EAS/SAS

This product is proposed for inclusion in the SAS: yes

This is the main catalog produced by MER. It contains photometrical and morphological information for all detected sources.

Data Product Elements


Detailed Description of the Data Product

Final merged catalog with photometric and morphological information. It contains object positions, total fluxes, colors and some object characterization parameters. This product is an output from the MER Catalog Assembly Processing Element.

This is the main output product from MER. This catalog is used by the PHZ, SIR and SHE Processing Functions.

The catalog information is stored in several FITS files. The source coordinates and the main photometry measurements are stored in the FITS file associated to the DataStorage element. Morphological parameters are stored in a separate FITS file inside the MorphologyCatalogStorage element. Some DEEP regions could contain imaging data from additional EXT filters. In those cases the additional EXT photometry measurements is stored in the FITS file associated to the DeepFieldPhotometryCatalogStorage element.

Specific information about the various MER photometry measurements and their usage can be found in: MER photometry cookbook.

The main elements inside this product are:

  • SpatialCoverage: The catalog spatial coverage.

  • SpectralCoverage: The catalog spectral coverage with a list of the filters that were used to produce the catalog (e.g., VIS, NIR_Y, NIR_J, NIR_H, DECAM_g, LSST_g).

  • TileIndex: The MER tile index.

  • PatchIdList (optional): The sky patch ids associated to the product.

  • ObservationIdList (optional): List of unique IDs identifying the Euclid observations that were used to generate the product.

  • CalblockIdList (optional): The calibration block ids associated to the product.

  • ProcessingMode: The MER pipeline processing mode (e.g. WIDE, DEEP) used to generate the product.

  • DataStorage: Element that links to a FITS file containing the catalog data set.

  • MorphologyCatalogStorage (optional): Element that links to a FITS file containing the morphology catalog data set.

  • CutoutsCatalogStorage (optional): Element that links to a FITS file containing the source cutouts catalog data set.

  • DeepFieldPhotometryCatalogStorage (optional): Element that links to a FITS file containing the source DEEP field photometry catalog data set. This catalog is only produced for DEEP observations.

  • QualityParams: The catalog quality parameters.

These are the columns contained in the main catalog FITS file:

$PrintCatalog fit/euc-mer.xml mer.finalCatalog

These are the columns contained in the morphology catalog FITS file:

$PrintCatalog fit/euc-mer.xml mer.finalMorphologyCatalog

These are the columns contained in the cutouts catalog FITS file:

$PrintCatalog fit/euc-mer.xml mer.cutoutsCatalog

These are the columns contained in the DEEP field photometry catalog FITS file:

$PrintCatalog fit/euc-mer.xml mer.deepFieldPhotometryCatalog