Primary header¶
The primary header contains keywords to identify FITS data type and some other specific keywords. BADTYPE identify the FITS type
$PrintPrimaryHeader fit/euc-test-nir.xml nir.floatBadPixelFlavorMask
$SetSchemaPath nir/euc-test-nir-BadPixelFlavorMask.xsd
The NIR Bad Pixel Flavor Mask contains bad pixels of a single flavor for each single detector. This is a generic structure to guest different data type, to be used for all defined flavor.
Available flavors are: * Disconnected * Zero QE * Bad base * Low QE * Super QE * Hot pixels * Random Telegraph Noise (RTN)
Each Bad Pixel Flavor Mask is created by a dedicated task according its flavor.
Those tasks are inside the NIR_BadPixelMasking project. * findZeroQEPixels: finds the zero QE flavor bad pixels * findDeadPixels: finds the dead (dis-connected) flavor bad pixels * findHotPixels: finds the hot flavor bad pixels * findHighLowBaselinePixels: finds the high-low baseline flavor bad pixels
This is an internal NIR data product, and it is used only by the NIR PF to create the [to complete] NIR Bad Pixel Mask.
They are used as input in makeNirBadPixels task (under NIR_BadPixelMasking project).
The main elements inside the Data section are:
DetectorId: Detector Id
ValidityRange: Calibration file validity period estimated
BPFlavorType: Type of Bad Pixel flavor.
FloatBPFitsFile (choice): Reference to a Bad Pixel Flavor Fits File FLOAT type
LogicBPFitsFile (choice): Reference to a Bad Pixel Flavor Fits File LOGIC type
The BPFlavorType corresponds to the integer BADTYPE keyword.
Badtypes: 1=Disconnected 2=ZeroQE 3=HighNoise/RTN, 4=SnowBall, 5=Hot, 6=HighLowBaseline, 7=LowQE, 8=SuperQE
The Bad Pixel Flavor Mask can guest two different type of MEF file, alternatively. This two MEF definitions differ just for their array data type that can be float or logic/boolean.
The MEF file is structured in a Primary header, a data layer and a Table HDU to contain the list of input data.
The primary header contains keywords to identify FITS data type and some other specific keywords. BADTYPE identify the FITS type
$PrintPrimaryHeader fit/euc-test-nir.xml nir.floatBadPixelFlavorMask
The Bad Pixel Flavor Mask header contains basic keywords and the number of flagged pixels (NUMBAD).
It has also a list of input file in a table
$PrintCatalog fit/euc-test-nir.xml nir.floatBadPixelFlavorMask