Model (template) grid for Phosphoros

[Internal Product]

$SetSchemaPath phz/euc-phz-ModelGrid.xsd

Data Product Name


Data Product Custodian


Name of the Schema File


Data Product Elements


Schema documentation tag

Documentation for data product element dpdModelGrid:

This product contains the Model grids needed by Phosphoros module as input.

Documentation for data product element Header:

The generic header of the product.

Detailed Description of the Data Product

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product

  • This product is produced by the PHZ_ModelGrid_Pipeline to be used by the PHZ_Calibration_Pipeline and PHZ_Main_Production_Pipeline

Processing function using the data product

  • PHZ PF intermediary product.

This product contains up to 5 files used as input by the Phosphoros template fitting component .

  1. ModelGrid: Pre-computed photometric Template library (internal Phoshoros format BIN or text file), required

  2. LuminosityGrid: [DEPRECATED - since Phosphoros has a new way of computing the luminosity] Pre-computed absolute luminosity library (internal Phoshoros format BIN or text file), optional, needed by Phosphoros when applying luminosity proior

  3. FilterVariationGrid: Pre-computed coefficient to correct for filter shift (internal Phoshoros format BIN or text file), optional, needed by Phosphoros when applying filter shift correction

  4. GalacticAbsorptionGrid: Pre-computed coefficient to correct for galactic absorption (internal Phoshoros format BIN or text file), optional, needed by Phosphoros when applying galactic reddening correction

  5. ZeroPointCorrections: ASCII table, multiplicative correction to apply to sources flux, optional