.. include:: ../gcsubstitutions.txt |badge1| |badge2| |badge3| Introduction ============ The 2PCF-GC :term:`Processing Function` is in charge of measuring the 3D two-point correlation function of Euclid galaxies. All the 2PCF-GC output data products can be obtained from the same input products, and using a similar methodology. Optionally, the code can receive as input random pair counts from a previous run. The code computes and stores only the pair counts not read in input. The flowcharts of the 2PCF-GC products are the following: * Angle-averaged two-point auto-correlation function .. image:: DPDD-TwoPCFGC1D.png * Angle-averaged two-point cross-correlation function .. image:: DPDD-TwoPCFGC1D_cross.png * Post-reconstruction angle-averaged two-point auto-correlation function .. image:: DPDD-TwoPCFGC1D_rec.png * Post-reconstruction angle-averaged two-point cross-correlation function .. image:: DPDD-TwoPCFGC1D_rec_cross.png * 2D Cartesian two-point auto-correlation function and projected two-point auto-correlation function .. image:: DPDD-TwoPCFGC2DCart.png * 2D Cartesian two-point cross-correlation function and projected two-point cross-correlation function .. image:: DPDD-TwoPCFGC2DCart_cross.png * Post-reconstruction 2D Cartesian two-point auto-correlation function and post-reconstruction projected two-point auto-correlation function .. image:: DPDD-TwoPCFGC2DCart_rec.png * Post-reconstruction 2D Cartesian two-point cross-correlation function and post-reconstruction projected two-point cross-correlation function .. image:: DPDD-TwoPCFGC2DCart_rec_cross.png * 2D polar two-point auto-correlation function and multipoles of the two-point auto-correlation function .. image:: DPDD-TwoPCFGC2DPol.png * 2D polar two-point cross-correlation function and multipoles of the two-point cross-correlation function .. image:: DPDD-TwoPCFGC2DPol_cross.png * Post-reconstruction 2D polar two-point auto-correlation function and post-reconstruction multipoles of the two-point auto-correlation function .. image:: DPDD-TwoPCFGC2DPol_rec.png * Post-reconstruction 2D polar two-point cross-correlation function and post-reconstruction multipoles of the two-point cross-correlation function .. image:: DPDD-TwoPCFGC2DPol_rec_cross.png .. |badge1| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/EDEN-2.1-yellow .. |badge2| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/DM-8.0.5-red .. |badge3| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/ML-ML3A-Green