.. include:: ../../wlsubstitutions.rst .. _twoDMassPeakCatalog: Output Product: Peak Catalog ---------------------------- Data product name ================= .. DataProductNameStart twoDMassPeakCatalog .. DataProductNameEnd Data product custodian ====================== .. DataProductCustodianStart 2D-MASS-WL .. DataProductCustodianEnd Data model tag ============== .. DataModelTagStart |2BF| .. DataModelTagEnd Name of the Schema file ======================= .. NameSchemaStart euc-test-le3-wl-twodmass-PeakCatalog.xsd .. NameSchemaEnd Schema documentation tag ======================== .. SchemaDocTagStart :emphasis:`Data product documentation:` Data Product for twoDMassPeakCatalog. :emphasis:`Documentation for data product element dpdTwoDMassConvergencePatchesToSphere:` This product contains the peak catalogue either based on a shear catalogue using mass aperture or convergence maps using wavelets. :emphasis:`Documentation for data product element Header:` The generic header of the product :emphasis:`Documentation for data product element Data:` The data of the product .. SchemaDocTagEnd Data product elements ===================== .. DataProductElementsStart Header of type: sys:genericHeader Data of type: wl2dmass:twoDMassPeakCatalog QualityFlags of type: dqc:sqfPlaceHolder Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters .. DataProductElementsEnd Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product ===================================================== .. PECreatorStart 2D-MASS-WL .. PECreatorEnd Processing function using the data product ========================================== .. PFUsingStart SGS pipeline output product to be used by SWGs .. PFUsingEnd Detailed description of the data product ======================================== .. DetailedDescStart This output product is composed of a FITS peak catalogue, and a description of the envelope of the sky area a with polygons (see `spatialFootprint here `_). Keywords (Primary HDU) ++++++++++++++++++++++ The primary HDU is expected to contain the following keywords, characterizing the important parameters characterizing the input product: #. **RADESYS**: Coordinate system (e.g. 'JK5') [string] #. **EQUINOX**: equinox of celestial coordinate system (e.g. 2000) [string] #. **DATE-OBS**: start of observation with format 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss' [string] #. **DATE-END**: end of observation with format 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss' [string] and basic software parameters: #. **SHE_SOFT**: which SHE catalogue used [StringKeyword] #. **SOFTNAME**: software used to create the product [string] #. **SOFTVERS**: version of software [string] #. **PROJ**: projection used [string] #. **PWIDTH**: Patch Width [double] #. **PIXSIZE**: Pixel Size in patches [double] #. **OVERLAP**: fraction of patch overlap [double] #. **NPATCHES**: number of patches used for the decomposition [int] #. **NITREDSH**: number of iteration to compute reduced shear [int] #. **STDREDSH**: standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing performed to compute the reduced shear (0 if no Gaussian smoothing) [double] #. **FDRREDSH**: false discovery rate threshold used to compute the reduced shear [double] #. **NITINP**: number of iteration for inpainting (0 if no inpainting) [int] #. **NSCINP**: number of scale for inpainting (0 if no inpainting) [int] #. **VARPERSC**: flag specifying if equal variance in/out masked area per scale [bool] #. **FBMODE**: flag specifying if B-Mode forced to 0 in the gaps [bool] #. **ADDBORD**: specify if border effect processing [bool] #. **DENTYPE**: denoising type (e.g. Gaussian, None, name of third party software) [string] #. **GAUSSSTD**: standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing (0 if no Gaussian smoothing) [double] #. **FDRVAL**: false discovery rate threshold [double] #. **PIXSIZE**: physical size of the pixels in the patch [double] #. **ZMIN**: min redshift considered [double] #. **ZMAX**: max redshift considered [double] #. **NZBINS**: number of redshift bins [int] #. **BAL_BINS**: Balanced redshift bins or not [bool] #. **MCSEED**: Noise MC seed (None if no MC realisation) [starting] #. **MCREAL**: number associated to the MC realisation of the convergence map (None if no MC realisation) [int] #. **NRESAMPL**: number of resampling of input catalogue [int] #. **ESTIMATR**: either "APERTURE_MASS" if aperture mass, or "WAVELET" if based on wavelet decomposition on :math:`\kappa` [string] #. **MINPKTHR**: threshold for SNR min [double] Peak Catalog (First Extension, Binary Table) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #. **EXTNAME** = "PEAK_CATALOG" The catalogue should contain the following columns: #. **RA_OBJ**: right ascension of the peak [D, float64] #. **DEC_OBJ**: declination of the peak [D, float64] #. **ZMIN**: minimum redshift of the bin where the peak has been detected [E, float32] #. **ZMAX**: maximum redshift of the bin where the peak has been detected [E, float32] #. **THETA**: scale where peak has been detected [E, float32] #. **SNR**: SNR associated to the peak [E, float32] .. DetailedDescEnd