.. _PHZTomographicBins: Definition of the redshift tomographic bins ============================================ $SetSchemaPath phz/euc-test-phz-TomographicBins.xsd Data Product Name __________________ .. DataProductNameStart $PrintDataProductName .. DataProductNameEnd Data Product Custodian _______________________ .. DataProductCustodianStart $PrintDataProductCustodian .. DataProductCustodianEnd Name of the Schema File ________________________ .. NameSchemaStart $PrintSchemaFilename .. NameSchemaEnd Data Product Elements ______________________ .. DataProductElementsStart $PrintDataProductElements .. DataProductElementsEnd Schema documentation tag _________________________ .. SchemaDocTagStart :emphasis:`Documentation for data product element dpdTomographicBins:` This product contains the definition of the tomographic bins. :emphasis:`Documentation for data product element Header:` The generic header of the product. .. SchemaDocTagEnd Detailed Description of the Data Product _________________________________________ .. DetailedDescStart This product contains the definition of the tomographic bins. Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. PECreatorStart * This product is produced poutside of the pipeline and used as input by PHZ .. PECreatorEnd Processing function using the data product ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. PFUsingStart * PHZ PF input product. .. PFUsingEnd This product contains a FITS file expected to follow the format described by the phz.redshiftBins version 0.8.0 and containing a binary table. The table contains the atribution of the SOM cells to the bins. The tables columns are: #. **SOM_CELL_ID**: The SOM cell identifyier #. **BIN_ID**: The tomographic bin identifier and it has a header keyword: **NBIN** wich is the number of bin. .. DetailedDescEnd