.. _SHEPSFCalibrationParameters: Shear PSF Calibration Parameters -------------------------------- Data product name ================= .. DataProductNameStart shePsfCalibrationParameters .. DataProductNameEnd Data product custodian ====================== .. DataProductCustodianStart SHE .. DataProductCustodianEnd Data model tag ============== .. DataModelTagStart 8.0 .. DataModelTagEnd Name of the Schema file ======================= .. NameSchemaStart ST_DM_Schema/dictionary/pro/she/euc-test-she.xsd .. NameSchemaEnd Schema documentation tag ======================== .. SchemaDocTagStart :emphasis:`Documentation for data product element shePsfCalibrationParameters:` This product contains the parameters for the Shear PSF Calibration. :emphasis:`Documentation for data product element Header:` The generic header of the product. .. SchemaDocTagEnd Data product elements ===================== .. DataProductElementsStart * DataStorage (shePsfCalibrationParametersFile) * DataContainer (dss:dataContainer) .. DataProductElementsEnd Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product ===================================================== .. PECreatorStart SHE .. PECreatorEnd Processing function using the data product ========================================== .. PFUsingStart SHE .. PFUsingEnd Detailed description of the data product ======================================== .. DetailedDescStart PSF Calibration parameters, giving the current state of the telescope for parameters which are expected to vary over the lifetime of the mission. Format TBD Will include a set of Zernike amplitude/telescope optical layout parameters which describe wavefront propagation through the system, expected to consist of < 100 params (floats). Surface errors defined as a map of free pixelised values, sampled across the field-of-view. Expected size ~ 30x30 floats per FOV, with ~400 FOV positions (details TBD). Detector state format TBD, will include parameters describing the brighter-fatter effect, chip-to-chip variation. Will contain parameters decribing the FOV-dependent mapping between the telescope model (optical layout) and zernike amplitudes, as a list of coeeficients to a polynomial fit. TBD. Will include catalogue of star identifier with :math:`\chi^2` value per star, to satisfy R-SHE-PRD-F-100, as well as sub-pixel stellar position on the detector (2 floats), for the stellar images used in the calibration CTI residual parameterisation TBD Output File =========== The FITS output file will contain the following information: **HDU List** #. *Telescope Mode parameters* #. *Zernike Mode Parameters* #. *Surface Error Parameters* #. *Detector Model Parameters* #. *Other model parameters* #. *Telescope Model Parameters* #. *Diagnostics* *Primary Header* ________________ The primary head will contain the following additional information: #. *Time Stamp*: Indentifies the date and time of fit. *Telescope Mode parameters* ___________________________ Currently 19 telescope model parameters are considered: * *TCON*: Change in conicity * *TRAD*: Perturbations on radius of element * *TFRN*: FOM1,2,3 only. Flatness of mirror * *TX*: Translation in X (plane of exit pupil) * *TY*: Translation in Y (plane of exit pupil) * *TZ*: Translation in Z * *RX*: Rotation in X * *RY*: Rotation in Y The catalogue will contain the following columns +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ | Parameter name | Element | Type | +=======================+================+======================+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M1TRAD | M1 | Radial | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M2TRAD | M2 | Radial | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_FOM1TFRN | FOM1 | Flatness | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_FOM2TFRN | FOM2 | Flatness | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M3TRAD | M3 | Radial | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_DIC_TFRN | Dichroic | Flatness | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M1TCON | M1 | Conicity | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M2TCON | M2 | Conicity | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M3TCON | M3 | Conicity | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M2TZ | M2 | Translation Z | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M2TX | M2 | Translation X | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M2TY | M2 | Translation Y | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M2RX | M2 | Rotation X | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M2RY | M2 | Rotation Y | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M3TZ | M3 | Translation Z | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M3TX | M3 | Translation X | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M3TY | M3 | Translation Y | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M3RX | M3 | Rotation X | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ |SHE_PSF_CAL_M3RY | M3 | Rotation Y | +-----------------------+----------------+----------------------+ *Zernike Mode Parameters* _________________________ Zernike fit parameters refer to Zernike Polynomial amplitudes themselves. The fits catalogue will contain the following columns: #. *SHE_PSF_CAL_FOVRNGX*: Region of fit on the field of view in X #. *SHE_PSF_CAL_FOVRNGY*: Region of fit on the field of view in Y #. *SHE_PSF_CAL_ZNKPLYAMP*: List of Zernike Polynomial amplitudes *Surface Error Parameters* __________________________ Surface error is parameterised as a gridded free variation in optical path difference on the exit pupil, and format TBF. The catalogue is expected to contain the following columns #. *FOV range X*: Region of fit on the field of view in X #. *FOV range Y*: Region of fit on the field of view in Y #. *Free OPD*: 2D array image of additional free contribution to optical mode path difference on exit pupil. Size TBD. *Detector Model Parameters* ___________________________ The detector model parameterisation is TBD. Will include Brighter-Fatter effect parameterisation, CTI residual parameterisation, chip-to-chip variation. *Other model parameters* ________________________ Other parameterisation may include parameterisation of the AOCS guiding and shutter speed models. Format TBD. *Telescope Model Parameters* ____________________________ The telescope model describes the relation between the telescope mode parameters and Zernike amplitudes across the field-of-view (links telescope mode and zernike mode parameters). Will consist of N coefficients describing a polynomial fit to Zernike amplitudes across the FOV. Format TBD. *Diagnostics* _____________ Diagnostics includes information used to verify the quality of the fit on a per-training object basis. The catalogue form is TBF, but is expected to contain a list of stellar object identifiers, as well as :math:`\chi^2` for each. .. DetailedDescEnd