.. _SIM_Planner: Mission Planner (SIM_Planner) ============================= The mission planner :term:`Processing Function` (SIM_Planner) prepares the coordinated simulation of a region of sky, by the different OU-SIM channels (level-1, level-2, level-3 and level-Ext). It ingests data from the Reference Survey, from the :term:`Mission Data Base` (dithering pattern, exposure times, etc). In addition, it is fed with input data (input catalog data products, simulation and processing steps) that will be transfered to the different SIM :term:`Processing Element`. The SimPlannerProgram :term:'`Processing Element` in SIM_Planner ingests the following data products: * :ref:`SIMSimRequest`: user defined set of simulations constraints, and list of SIM channels settings * :term:`Mission Data Base` Depending on the channels requested by the user, the SIM_Planner produces the following data products: * :ref:`SIMVisInputConfiguration` * :ref:`SIMNisInputConfiguration` * :ref:`SIMNipInputConfiguration` * :ref:`SIMExtInputConfiguration`