The OU-LE3 CAT-CL PF shall provide

- The input products are:
the inputs of DET-CL: the Galaxies catalogue, the photometric redshift catalogue (not mentioned on the figure above), the photometric mask, and
the outputs of DET-CL: the catalogue of cluster candidates, and the galaxies membership catalogue
the “truth tables”: the mock catalogue of galaxies (with their photometic and possibly spectroscopic redshifts, and halo/cluster membership), and the mock catalogue of haloes/clusters
The output products are:
An output catalog of clusters including, for any cluster detected by any of the two cluster-finding algorithm, all the relevant quantities and associated uncertainties from “cluster characterisation” PFs:
from DET-CL: central position in projected coordinates (right ascension and declination), signal-to-noise of the detection, richness or/and amplitude, detection redshift, detection size;
from Z-CL: refined redshifts (photometric and, if available, spectroscopic and a combination of the two);
from SIG-CL: velocity dispersion;
from PROF-CL: refined size estimate, refined center estimate ;
from RICH-CL: refined richness estimates (several estimates at different angular sizes);
from LMF-CL: integrated luminosities and stellar masses (several estimates at the same angular sizes used to estimate the richness);
from COMB-CL: weak lensing mass estimates (several estimates at the same angular sizes used to estimate the richness)
NOTE: During the SC8, only the quantities from PFs actually taking part in the SC8 are included. Quantities from other PFs will be added later on
In addition to these quantities, specific identifiers allow to track the origin of each cluster candidate and its possible cross-match with another cluster candidate found using a different method.
A output catalog of galaxies containing the references to all galaxies possibly associated with some cluster candidate