PZWAV Density Map Output Product

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag


Name of the Schema file


Schema documentation tag

Data product elements


type sys:genericHeader


type cl:detClustersPZWAVDensity


type dqc:sqfPlaceHolder


type ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product


Detailed description of the data product

This file is a 3D fits image that contains the smoothened density map of the galaxy distribution as a function of binning of R.A., Dec and redshift. This quantity is obtained from the PAZWav detection code by convolving the galaxy distribution with a “mexican hat” wavelet kernel function. For each dimension this file contains the WCS keywords (CRPIX, CRVAL, CDELT, CTYPE, CUNIT), plus those used internally by the code to set the coordinates (NAME, NUMBER, START, CENTER, END, STEP). For this reason, there is redundancy in the information. The 3 axis shoud represent, respectively, the Right Ascension, the Declination and the Redshift. The complete list is as follows:

  1. DET_CODE: an identifier of the cluster model used in the filtering procedure

  2. WCSAXES: number of World Coordinate System axes

  3. CRPIX1: WCS reference pixel for the first axis (Right ascension, zenithal/azimuthal equal area)

  4. CRVAL1: WCS reference position for the first axis (Declination, zenithal/azimuthal equal area proj)

  5. CDELT1: WCS step for the first axis

  6. CTYPE1: the coordinate type for the first axis

  7. CUNIT1: the coordinate unit for the first axis

  8. CRPIX2: WCS reference pixel for the second axis

  9. CRVAL2: WCS reference position for the second axis

  10. CDELT2: WCS step for the second axis

  11. CTYPE2: the coordinate type for the second axis (Declination, zenithal/azimuthal equal area proj)

  12. CUNIT2: the coordinate unit for the second axis

  13. NAME_2: name of the second axis

  14. CRPIX3: WCS reference pixel for the third axis

  15. CRVAL3: WCS reference position for the third axis

  16. CDELT3: WCS step for the third axis

  17. CTYPE3: the coordinate type for the third axis (Redshift)

  18. CUNIT3: the coordinate unit for the third axis

  19. LONPOLE: Native longitude of celestial pole

  20. LATPOLE: Native latitude of celestial pole

  21. RADESYS: Equatorial coordinate system (ex: “ICRS”)