Galaxy Membership Output Product¶
Data product name¶
Data product custodian¶
Data model tag¶
Name of the Schema file¶
Schema documentation tag¶
This output product contains the galaxy membership estimates of the candidate clusters, from RICH-CL
Data product elements¶
- Header
type sys:genericHeader
- Data
type cl:clustersRichMembers
- QualityFlags
type dqc:sqfPlaceHolder
- Parameters
type ppr:genericKeyValueParameters
Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product¶
Processing function using the data product¶
SGS pipeline output product to be used by SWGs
Detailed description of the data product¶
This output data product contains the list of the membership associations of the galaxies in the detected clusters. This RICH-CL data product is similar to the detclMembers
output produced by the AMICO cluster detection code in PF DET-CL.
This fits file is expected to contain the following keywords in the primary HDU, characterizing the important parameters of the product:
DET_CODE: Name of the detection algorithm
MODEL_ID: an identifier of the cluster model used in the filtering procedure
SNR_THR: the S/N threshold for extracting a detection
MAX_NB: the maximum number of structures to which a galaxy can be associated
MIN_PROB: the minimum probability for the association to be saved in this catalog
The richclMembers table is expected to contain the following columns, for each detected cluster:
OBJECT_ID : galaxy identifier, as it appears in detclGalaxies (see detclin)
ID_CLUSTER: identifier of the associated detected cluster, as it appears in detclClusters (see detclPZWAVClusters and ref:detclAMICOClusters)
PMEM : probability (0 <= p <= 1) of the galaxy membership in cluster OBJECT_ID, according to “Pmem” method. Note that PMEM = PMEM_RAD * PMEM_Z
PMEM_LERR : error associated with PMEM (lower/left side), according to “Pmem” method
PMEM_UERR : error associated with PMEM (upper/right side), according to “Pmem” method
PMEM_RAD : Cluster-centric (i.e. tangential for observer) component of PMEM
PMEM_Z : redshift (i.e. along line of sight) component of PMEM
PMEM_RS : probability (0 <= p <= 1) of the galaxy membership in cluster OBJECT_ID, according to “red sequence” method.
PMEM_LERR_RS : error associated with PMEM, according to “red sequence” (lower/left side) method.
PMEM_UERR_RS : error associated with PMEM, according to “red sequence” (upper/right side) method.