Input - Configuration Product¶
Data product name¶
Data product custodian¶
Data model tag¶
(TBD for SC8)
Name of the Schema file¶
Schema documentation tag¶
Data product elements¶
- Header
object of type sys:genericHeader
- Data
object of type gc:gcConfigurationSet
- QualityFlags
object of type dqc:sqfPlaceHolder
- Parameters
object of type ppr:genericKeyValueParameters
Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product¶
Creator: LE3-GC
Processing function using the data product¶
Detailed description of the data product¶
To compute Galaxy Clustering Bispectrum, a parameter file specifying the configuration is needed. The configuration file contain all the information about the max/min scale to use in the computation, the number of output bins in the output spectrum, the estimator to be used and information on the cosmology to be used for coordinate transformation.
XML Product¶
The product contains the following keywords:
- PF
Name of the Processing function using this configuration
- ConfigurationID
Identifier for the configuration Parameters+Cosmology used in this product
- ParameterSetID
Identifier for the configuration Parameter set used in this configuration
- CosmologyID
Identifier for the Cosmology used in this configuration
- ReleaseName
Name of the release that uses this configuration
- ParameterFile
ASCII file with PF parameters for this configuration
- CosmologyFile
ASCII file with cosmological parameters to use in this configuration
- Comment
[OPTIONAL] Comment to configuration
ParameterFile ASCII file¶
The ASCII .ini
file has a keyword=value
structure divided into [sections].
The Bispectrum accepts the following keyword list:
[Bk] section
- statistics
Power spectrum estimator [DOAFFT, YBCFFT, YSCFFT, YDS]
- use_random_catalog
[true/false] Enable random catalog usage (for estimators that use it)
- Nft
Grid cube side
- compute_box_side
[true/false] Enable enclosing box computation
- box_side
Lenght of the box (Mpc/h) in configuration space if
compute_box_side = false
- catalog_center
X Y Z position of the catalog center
- MAS_scheme
Mass Assignment Schema to be used to prepare the grid
- use_FKP_weight
[true/false] Enable FKP weighting schema
- Pest
Estimated power for FKP weights
- cosmology
Cosmology configuration file [used ONLY in LOCAL run of the code]
- output_prefix
Extre ID name in the output file
[Bk.meanDensity] section
- method
Method used to calculate Nbar
- name
- format
[Bk.Binning] section
- k_min
Minumum k in units of the fundamental frequency 2pi/Lbox for spectrum
- k_max
Maximum k in units of the fundamental frequency 2pi/Lbox for spectrum
- delta_k
Binning step
[Bk.Validation] section
- compute_catalog_center
[true/false] Enable catalog center computation
- use_MAS_correction
[true/false] Enable MAS correction
- use_interlacing
[true/false] Enable interlaced grid usage
- use_SN_correction
[true/false] Enable poisson shot-noise correction
- use_ascii_output
[true/false] Enable ASCII output filen in addition to FITS
CosmologyFile ASCII file¶
The ASCII .ini
file has a keyword=value
structure divided into [sections].
The cosmological accepted keywords are:
[Cosmology] section
- cosmology_ID
Identifier for the cosmology
- om_matter
Matter energy density parameter
- om_radiation
Radiation energy density parameter
- om_baryons
Baryon energy density parameter
- om_vac
Vacuum energy density parameter
- om_k
Curvature energy density parameter
- Hubble
Hubble parameter in units of 100 Km /s /(Mpc /h)
- hubble
Dimensionless Hubble parameter
- spectral_index
Scalar index of primordial perturbations
- w_eos
Dark energy equation of state
- N_eff
Effective number of relativistic species
- sigma8
Mass dipersion on sphers of 8 Mpc/h radius
- Tcmb
CMB temperature