Input - Configuration Product¶
Data product name¶
Data product custodian¶
Data model tag¶
(TBD for SC8)
Name of the Schema file¶
Schema documentation tag¶
Data product elements¶
- Header
object of type sys:genericHeader
- Data
object of type gc:gcConfigurationSet
- QualityFlags
object of type dqc:sqfPlaceHolder
- Parameters
object of type ppr:genericKeyValueParameters
Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product¶
Creator: LE3-GC
Processing function using the data product¶
Input to: LE3-GC-CM-PK
Detailed description of the data product¶
The configration product is neede to specify the ccompute Galaxy Clustering Power Spectrum, a Configuration file specifying the configuration is needed. The configuration file contain all the information about the max/min scale to use in the computation, the number of output bins in the output spectrum, the estimator to be used and information on the cosmology to be used for coordinate transformation. The estimator selected in the configuration file defines the output product obtained.
XML Product¶
The product contains the following keywords:
- PF
Name of the Processing function using this configuration
- ConfigurationID
Identifier for the configuration Parameters+Cosmology used in this product
- ParameterSetID
Identifier for the configuration Parameter set used in this configuration
- CosmologyID
Identifier for the Cosmology used in this configuration
- ReleaseName
Name of the release that uses this configuration
- ParameterFile
ASCII file with PF parameters for this configuration
- CosmologyFile
ASCII file with cosmological parameters to use in this configuration
- Comment
[OPTIONAL] Comment to configuration
ParameterFile ASCII file¶
The ASCII .ini
file has a keyword=value
structure divided into [sections].
The Bispectrum accepts the following keyword list:
The configuration product specifies a ascii .ini
file in the format
keyword=value containing the following quantities:
[CMPK] section
- only_even
use only even multipoles