Input Product: Bit Mask Parameters¶
Data product name¶
Data product custodian¶
Data model tag¶
(TBF for ML2A)
Name of the Schema file¶
(TBF for ML2A)
Schema documentation tag¶
(TBF for ML2A)
Data product elements¶
(TBF for ML2A)
Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product¶
Processing function using the data product¶
Detailed description of the data product¶
This product contain parameters describing how the algorithm is run to produce the bit masks or coverage masks and should specify:
spatial/temporal and instrumental information to know which information to collect:
DateObs: Starting time of observations considered [string, “dddd-dd-ddTdd:dd:dd(.d{1,6})?Z”, optional]
DateEnd: End time of observations considered [string, “dddd-dd-ddTdd:dd:dd(.d{1,6})?Z”, optional]
Telescope: Name of telescope [string, choice among ins:telescopeName, optional]
Instrument: Name of instrument [string, choice among ins:instrumentName, optional]
Filter: Name of filter considered if a single filter is considered [string, choice among ins:filterName, optional]
FilterList: Name of filters considered if several filters are considered [string, choice among ins:filterList, optional]
TileIndex: Tile ID as described by MER if single tile processed (stage 1) [long, optional]
MerTileListID: Product ID of a list of MER tiles, as set by MER if several tiles processed (stage 2) [sys:objectId, given, optional]
Processing/IO parameters:
NsideWork: Nside used to convert frames/mosaic-> HEALPix [sys:objectId, given, optional]
OutputFormat: whether partial HEALPix or weighted MOC are used:
MOCParams: Parameters for weighted MOCs [optional]
MOCOrder: MOC resolution parameter (best order) [long]
PartialHealpixParams: Parameters for partial HEALPix [optional]
NsideOut: Nside resolution parameter for the partial HEALPix map product [long]
BitList: List of bits used for the mask [msk:bitMaskList, composed of a bitmask name according to a list associated with the bit as hexadecimal and decimal value, optional]