Input Product: Parameters for Tomographic Cosmic Shear COSEBI¶
Data product name¶
Data product custodian¶
Data model tag¶
Trunk, commit 18691
Name of the Schema file¶
Schema documentation tag¶
Data product documentation:
Data Product for twoPCFWLParamsCOSEBIShearShear2D.
Documentation for data product element dpdTwoPCFWLParamsCOSEBIShearShear2D:
This product contains parameters to calculate tomographic cosmic shear COSEBI modes.
Documentation for data product element Header:
The generic header of the product
Documentation for data product element Data:
The data of the product
Data product elements¶
Header of type: sys:genericHeader
Data of type: wl2pcf:twoPCFWLParamsCOSEBIShearShear2D
Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters
Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product¶
Processing function using the data product¶
Detailed description of the data product¶
The following parameters are needed to compute the tomographic cosmic shear COSEBI:
WeightCOSEBI: choice of basis functions [string among “polynomial”, “logarithmic”]
Nmodes: Number of COSEBI modes [long]
The minimal/maximal angular separation used for COSEBis are derived from the inputed parameters for Cosmic Shear 2PCF-WL.