Output Product: Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing E/B Power Spectra

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag

Trunk, commit 18691

Name of the Schema file


Schema documentation tag

Data product documentation:

Data Product for twoPCFWLPEBPosShear2D.

Documentation for data product element dpdTwoPCFWLPEBPosShear2D:

This product contains the tomographic galaxy-galaxy lensing E/B power spectra.

Documentation for data product element Header:

The generic header of the product

Documentation for data product element Data:

The data of the product

Data product elements

Header of type: sys:genericHeader

Data of type: wl2pcf:twoPCFWLPEBPosShear2D

Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


Processing function using the data product

SGS pipeline output product to be used by SWGs

Detailed description of the data product

This output product is a fits file (see le3.wl.2pcf.output.pebshearpos2d in the following FITS descriptors).

Extra (optional) metadata associated to the FITS container are the following:

  • SpatialCoverage a description of the spatial footprint [optional, cot:spatialFootprint],

  • CatalogSelection: describing the selection in the input catalogues [optional, up to 2 elements]

    • CatalogFileName: the name of the input catalogue [sys:dataFileName]

    • CatalogSHE: type of input catalogue [string among “BFD”, “KSB”, “LensMC”,”MomentsML”,”REGAUSS”,”MER_PHZ”, “OTHER” ]

    • Selection: selection associated to catalogue [string]

    • CatalogUse: for which use case the catalog is employed (=[“PosShear”]) [string among “PosPos”, “PosShear”, “ShearShear”]

    • CatalogInfo: whether position or shear information is used in this catalogue [string among “Pos”, “Shear”]

    • CatalogOrder: order associated to catalogue for reporting (e.g. BIN_ID1)[int32]

The fits file contains:

  • a primary array containing important computation parameters as keywords,

  • binary tables in the next HDUs with galaxy-galaxy lensing E/B power spectra for specific bins.

Primary Array

This fits table is expected to contain the following keywords in primary HDU, characterizing the important parameters of the product:

  1. THMIN: minimal angular value chosen for spatial binning [DoubleKeyword]

  2. THMAX: maximal angular value chosen for spatial binning [DoubleKeyword]

  3. OATH: maximal open angle value used for the approximation [DoubleKeyword]

  4. THUNIT: unit of spatial distance [StringKeyword]

  5. BINSCALE: if linear or logarithmic scales are used for output [StringKeyword]

  6. COORDSYS: if spherical or cartesian computation of distances [StringKeyword]

  7. SHE_SOFT: which SHE catalogue used [StringKeyword]

  8. POS_SEL: selection for position catalogue [StringKeyword]

  9. SHE_SEL: selection for shear catalogue [StringKeyword]

  10. SOFTNAME: name of software used for PEB [StringKeyword]

  11. SOFTVERS: version of software used for PEB [StringKeyword]

Table (HDU=1…)

The following keywords are added to the header of the HDUs:

  1. BIN_ID1: bin for first catalog [IntegerKeyword]

  2. BIN_ID2: bin for second catalog [IntegerKeyword]


and the columns are:

  1. ELL: central multipole in the band [D, float64]

  2. PE: E mode band power spectrum [D, float64]

  3. PB: B mode band power spectrum [D, float64]

  4. ELL_LOWER: minimal multipole in the band [D, float64]

  5. ELL_UPPER: maximal multipole in the band [D, float64]


Under discussion is the possibility in the future of having as first HDU a summary table with information on the binning for spectra tables (HDU>2):

  1. ELL: mean multipole in the band [D, float64]

  2. ELLMIN: minimal multipole in the band [D, float64]

  3. ELLMAX: maximal multipole in the band [D, float64]

and in the second hdu a summary table to allow fast access to the HDU corresponding to a particular bin combination:

  1. BIN_ID1: bin for first catalog [J, int32]

  2. BIN_ID2: bin for second catalog [J, int32]

  3. HDU: HDU index [J, int32]