Mosaic Product

Data product name


Data product custodian


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Schema documentation tag

Documentation for data product element DpdMerMosaic:

MER mosaic. Mosaic of one or more MER background-subtracted stacked frames (or MER background-subtracted calibrated frames) obtained with the same instrument and filter on a given region of the sky. This product is an output from the MER mosaic production module.

Data product elements

Header of type: sys:genericHeader

Data of type: mer:merMosaic

QualityFlags of type: dqc:sqfDpdMerMosaic

Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product


  • MER_Mosaicing


  • MER_Background

Processing function using the data product


Detailed description of the data product

Mosaic of one or more input stacked frames (or input calibrated frames) obtained with the same instrument and filter on a given region of the sky. This product is an output from the MER Mosaicing Processing Element.

The main elements inside this product are:

  • Instrument: The instrument name (VIS, NIR, DECAM, LSSTCAM) and the telescope name (Euclid, NOAO, LSST).

  • Filter: The filter name (e.g., VIS, NIR_Y, NIR_J, NIR_H, DECAM_g, LSST_u).

  • WCS: The mosaic astrometric parameters with linear (e.g., CTYPE1, CRVAL2, CRPIX1, CD1_1) and, optionally, non linear terms (PV1_0, PV2_0, …).

  • ZeroPoint: The photometric reference zero point in magnitude units.

  • ImgSpatialFootprint: The mosaic spatial footprint.

  • Masks (optional): Euclid bit masks present in the flag image data set.

  • TileIndex: The MER tile index.

  • PatchIdList (optional): The sky patch ids associated to the product.

  • ObservationIdList: List of unique IDs identifying the Euclid observations the were used to generate the product.

  • CalblockIdList (optional): The calibration block ids associated to the product.

  • ProcessingMode: The MER pipeline processing mode (WIDE or DEEP) used to generate the product.

  • DataStorage: Element that links to a FITS file containing the mosaic signal data set.

  • RmsStorage: Element that links to a FITS file containing the mosaic rms data set.

  • FlagStorage: Element that links to a FITS file containing the mosaic flag data set.

  • PsfModelStorage: Element that links to a FITS file containing the mosaic PSF model.

  • FilterTransmissionStorage (optional): Element that links to a FITS file containing the filter transmission data set.

  • QualityParams: The mosaic image quality parameters.

  • ProcessingSteps (optional): Information about the processing steps associated with the production of the mosaic.