This section describes the data products for the SIM level-1 VIS, NISP-S and NISP-P.
In the SIM Splitted pipeline, the focal plane simulation is split per detector. Every simulator Processing Function implements 3 Processing Element with suffixes
Split to split the catalogues, and produce detector specific internal configuration files
Detector to simulate a detector image
Combine to combine the detector images and metadata into a LE1 data product
In addition, there is a Processing Element without a suffix, that simulates all the detectors at once.
Depending on the simulator, the input data products are
In addition, all simulators ingest the following data products
True Universe Output Product with the metadata and link to the galaxy, star and SSO catalogues
Mission Data Base with the telescope and instrument model, environment data
All simulators produce a focal plane image split per detector in a multi-extension FITS file. The output data products are
Vis Raw Frame Product for VIS
LE1NispRawFrame for NIS and NIP