Extracted Spectra Collection Product

Data product name


Data product custodian


Data model tag


Name of the Schema file


Schema documentation tag

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Data product elements

Header of type: sys:genericHeader

Data of type: sir:extractedSpectraCollection

Parameters of type: ppr:genericKeyValueParameters

Processing Element(s) creating/using the data product

This data product is produced by the SIR_SpectraExtraction PE.

It is used and updated by SIR_FluxCalibration PE.

Processing function using the data product

This is an internal data product. It is used only by SIR-PEs.

Detailed description of the data product

The SIR_SpectraExtraction works on decontaminated spectra; it uses the LocationTable to extact 2D and 1D spectra linearly resampled, lambda calibrated and without distortions. Foreach LocationObject in the LocationTable one ExtractedSpectrum is produced.


Fig. 17 : The ExtractedSpectrum structure.

The ExtractedSpectrum (cyan box in Fig. 17) is the atomic part of the ExtractedSpectraCollection. Spectrum data are collected in the DataSets (purple boxes in Fig. 17):

  • 2D contains data of 2D spectrum

  • 1D contains data of 1D spectrum

  • 1D FLUX contains data of 1D spectrum flux calibrated (in case SIR_FluxCalibration has been applied on the ExtractedSpectraCollection).

Each DataSet group contains:

  • the spectrum data values: Science HDF5 dataset

  • the spectrum quality: Quality HDF5 dataset

  • the spectrum covariance matrix: the combination of Variance, Covariance mask and Covariance HDF5 datasets.

2D, 1D and 1D FLUX spectra are linearly resampled and they have the same wavelength solution. For this reason the spectrum wavelength solution is described once for all by the attributes (in Angstrom):

  • Wlen start: value of starting wavelength

  • Wlen inc: the increment step of wavelength solution

  • Wlen end: value of last wavelength

Beside spectrum data, the ExtractedSpectrum contains also the AstronomicalObject (yellow box in Fig. 17) and the LocationSpectrum (green box in Fig. 17) used to create it.

ExtractedSpectraCollection organizes ExtractedSpectra in 2 levels: first level by object ID and a second level by detector (see Fig. 18).


Fig. 18 : The 2 levels of the ExtractedSpectraCollection.

The Recipes Parameters group is dedicated to collect recipe parameters used to obtain the current ExtractedSpectraCollection data product.