The LE3 Processing Function is responsible for computing high level data products relevant to the Euclid project.
LE3 is organized in 7 work packages (WP) covering different scientific areas illustrated in the figure below (with core science WP in Euclid in blue):

These work packages are further divided into individual independent PF.
The present document describe the data products for core science priority 1/2 Processing Function.
For WP-WL:
PF-2PCF-WL: tomographic 2PCF
PF-CM-2PCF-WL: covariance of tomographic 2PCF
PF-PK-WL: tomographic Fourier space second order statistics.
PF-CM-PK-WL: covariance of tomographic Fourier space second order statistics.
PF-2D-MASS-WL: 2D mass maps and SNR maps derived from shear measurements.
PF-3D-WL: 3D E/B mode power spectrum derived from shear measurements.
For WP-GC:
PF-2PCF-GC: 3D 2PCF for galaxy redshift catalogs
PF-CM-2PCF-GC: covariance of 3D 2PCF for galaxy redshift catalogs
PF-PK-GC: 3D power spectrum for galaxy redshift catalogs.
PF-CM-PK-GC: covariance of 3D power spectrum for galaxy redshift catalogs.
PF-3PCF-GC: 3D 3PCF for galaxy redshift catalogs.
PF-BK-GC: bispectrum for galaxy redshift catalogs.
For WP-CL:
PF-DET-CL: Galaxy cluster detection
PF-RICH-CL: Richness of galaxy clusters
PF-PROF-CL: Radial Profile of galaxy clusters
For Internal Data Data Products:
VMPZ-ID Data Products: Photometric redshift selection function
PF-VMSP-ID: Spectroscopic redshift selection function
PF-SEL-ID: Purity and completeness of galaxy samples and the selection of a catalog that maximizes both
For WP-ED:
PF-GALEXT-ED: Galactic extinction maps and their errors
For the Q1 data release, only the VMPZ-ID Data Products was run