The OU-LE3 RICH-CL PF shall provide the refined estimate of the richness of the cluster candidates, as well as, for any galaxy of the galaxy photometric catalog, a membership probability of belonging to any of the cluster candidates.

The four input files are the Galaxies catalog (not mentioned on the figure above), the photometric redshift catalog, the photometric mask, and the catalog of cluster candidates.
The first output consists in a refined estimate of the richness, for each of cluster candidate. Several definitions of the richness might be possible. It is currently considered as an independant output, but it mght as well be merged as some additional columns into the input catalog of cluster candidates (see R-LE3-PRD-F-212 from RSD)
Each of these two output products give estimated quantities according to the two different methods implemented in RICH-CL : “Pmem” and “Red Sequence”, respectively tagged in the column names using the suffixes “_PMEM” and “_RS”.
Another output is the result of the colour and magnitude calibrations (two tables in the one calibration product), produced from and for RICH-CL. It might be computed either in a previous run (possibly on a larger field than the target one) or just before the RICH-CL output products in the same run. Currenly, only the colour magnitude table is implemented.
Inputs products
Outputs products